The girl of gold. | Teen Ink

The girl of gold.

October 31, 2021
By Anonymous

Once a baby was born in a middle class family having a simple but attractive beauty named by Divona Sheill. She was a shy and innocent girl having big black lips, dark complexion, dark eyeballs, dark hairs, with a melodious voice and a heart which was bright and kind. When she started going school she faced greedy and wicked classmates who used to snatch her pocket money and even lunch. She never told anything to her parents because she thought if she told them, they wouldn't had understood her. Days passed and she was being bullied every single day. Consequently she became dull in her studies and health too. Once she was sitting alone in the playground throwing stones here and there. Unintentionally she threw a stone into the air and when she caught it, the stone became a gold stone. She was astonished but soon she realized that she had got an incredible power of changing stones into gold. She was worried because she new that this world is full of greedy people and anyone can make her slave for their mean purposes so she decided not to use that power since she wasn't greedy and didn't desire any money or gold just wanted to live life happily. With this promise to herself she grew up and passed her graduation with highest scores since she was a genius girl. Her whole family was proud of her. Everyone was cheerful, calm and friendly around her and everything was happening happily. She didn't even needed to move a bit for drinking water because her family would do it all for her as she was the apple of eye for her family. One day her entire family decided to go for a night long drive, Divona had little flu so she stayed home but went to the gate hurrily and wived her hand saying, "Goodbye dear dady! Goodbye mom and Dadu! Have a nice and safe journey". Dadu was her younger brother whose original name was David Sheill. All went out for long drive peacefully but who knew that this goodbye was forever to her family. The day was very cold because of weather and heavy snowfall. All the roads were block and high alert was declared by the management of city within half an hour when her family went out. Divona had a call from her neighbor aunty Sherril who told her about high alert in the city. After attending the call Divona became extremely puzzled and rushed towards the TV. That time was the hardest time for her and the news came, "One man, one woman and a child died in road accident because of heavy snowfall in Washington DC. She was 20 years old at that time when she lost her entire family. No one was there to feed her and fulfill her necessities so she decided to do a job and work hard but not to use her powers for herself. She started working hard along with her studies and domestic work. When she used to go to work, someone would see her from the side tree on her way. She ignored it and thought he might be waiting for the bus or something. Two years passed and she almost had forgotten that she had got an incredible power given by God. One day as she was going for her job, a van came in front of her scooty and stopped her. Ahh! They wanted to kidnap her and they succeeded. They took her to a dark horror house where there were no fans and no electricity. It was looking as if the house had been used for smuggling drugs and other illegal works. Divona could listen to the feet voices of two people but couldn't see them because they were wearing masks which was covering their whole face. They kept her in prison for many hours and finally the person came to her who was behind this plan of kidnapping. Oah look! Who was that person? He was Divona's classmate Jenson Jerry, who used to bully her in her school life regularly. A tall, fair and handsome man having golden curly hairs with small green eyes. Divona was astonished watching J.J in front of her as a kidnapper. "What the hell is this going on?" Asked Divona with crushing voice. "Shut up", said J.J in cruel and loud volume. "I've been waiting for this moment for ages now finally I've got you and I know you have got a super power of changing stones into gold so from now onwards you are going to be my slave and produce gold for me otherwise I'll kill you." said J.J while laughing like a devil. "I would rather die but won't use my power for your mean purposes stupid J.J", said Divona shouting. Jenson took his shiny silver pistol out and said, "Shall I do it for you my dear poor black Divona?" Divona knew that Jenson won't kill her since he's greedy so he couldn't kill her and loose the golden opportunity to become the richest man of the world. So Divona said confidently, "Shoot me if you are a man, shoot! if you have guts, shoot! if you dare, come on shoot me and mute me". Jenson was mentally ill and a psycho person so he didn't even thought for a minute and fired Divona in his craze. Jenson realized deeply after he fired Divona that he committed a blundering sin but still he was regretting losing the golden opportunity of becoming the richest man not being a murderer. But history proves it millions of time that greedy people never get anything in the end.

The author's comments:

This piece of writing is based on a message for greedy and selfish people in a suspenseful way.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Nov. 5 2021 at 12:41 pm
TessaDreamAuthor_3000 PLATINUM, Tomball, Texas
37 articles 2 photos 147 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain." - Dolly Parton
" Balance your life with spiritual experiences that remind and prepare you for continued, daily ministering to others." - M. Russell Ballard
"Love is expressed in a smile, a wave, a kind comment, a compliment." - Thomas S. Monson

I like the moral of the story, and smart ending, But it still was sad tho . . .