The Nosers Know | Teen Ink

The Nosers Know

December 17, 2021
By Anonymous

The Nosers were adamant. They refused to be told what to do.  They refused to be wrong.  They would have no part of this game.  They refused to be told “conform”.  They would continue to play, and sing, and live as intellectual simpletons.  They would feverishly oppose the Yessers if they would try to talk to them about the rules of the  game.  The Yessers would try their best to make the simpletons smarter, but to no avail.  Then the Yessers and Nosers would get into a fight about the rules of the game.  Each would fight about who was right, who had the better set of rules.  Some of them even got put in time out because they could not agree to disagree.  

One day the Yessers noticed they saw less and less Nosers.  Rumor had it that some of the Nosers had been eliminated from the game.  Could it be true?  The Yessers would play, and sing and live as educated simpletons, and though once in a while one would take a break from the game, they would come back.  When they came back, they would tell stories of how the Nosers that were being eliminated from the game would beg to play by the other set of rules.  Once in a while they would be allowed, but it was not very often. 

The Nosers caught wind of this and were furious.  They demanded answers.  They wanted a meeting with the game leaders.  They wanted to know what was happening to so manyof the Nosers.  The game leaders met one day with the Nosers.  The Nosers demanded explanations.  The Nosers said they would have no part of the game, refused the rules and wanted answers where so many of the nosers were.  One leader spoke up and said. “That is fine.  You don’t want to play by the rules, so some of your players were eliminated.  But make no mistake.  ALL NOSERS are an active part of the game.  We allow you to try to play by your own rules, but, we, as the game leaders refer to you now as the “Control Group.”

The author's comments:

I have a knack for addressing current hot topics in society.  Through my use of allegories and allusion, I am  able to captivate  the reader with subtle humor and keep them engaged while seeing where the story is going.  Igrew up in the conservative midwest where I get a birds eye view of many of the social issues she addresses.

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