A Cry for Help | Teen Ink

A Cry for Help

May 13, 2022
By braaut23 BRONZE, Somerset, Kentucky
braaut23 BRONZE, Somerset, Kentucky
3 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
If you change nothing, nothing will change.

Swimming to shore, drowning in the ocean of emotional pain, the sea’s brutality keeps beating me under. I get stuck in the coral reefs longing for an angel to find me. To save me.
“I’m unsaveable, hopeless, and running out of the desire to keep swimming.”
A ship catches fire: an unforeseen event. The people around me take their last breath as they go under into the deep blue ocean of my emotional pain. They attempted my rescue, however suffered the wrath of all my burdens.
The devil controls enormous waves of deadly lengths reaching above me. No man or woman should survive this. Somehow I get the strength to move on, managing to escape him. The angel lifts me up after sinking from the weight and carries me to shore; yet, the tides come in and the island of my mind sinks once again. Barricading my emotions does not help. Water rushes through the cracks.
“If anyone truly sees me, love me enough to help me!” I plead, sobbing the salty water of the ocean. The waves get angrier. My calls get louder. Suddenly everything disappears. No light as far as my eyes can see. My lungs inhale, water rushing in as I fade away slowly in my worry.
A voice cracks through the waves,
“What are you drawing? ”My therapist manages to grab my attention from the drawing. Grabbing each pencil one at a time, while tears form in the crevasse of my eyes. I look up.
“My pain.”
Every wave a thought in my mind, and every angel a hope.
“Every detail I draw, I cry for help.” Picking each color my hands become shaky and my face clammy.
Handing it to her after details perfectly mirror my feelings, a wave withdrawals. Examining my drawing, she looks to me, eyes glistening from her tears developing. “You got this, you are special and strong. Never believe that your burdens are yours alone.”
My heavy heart sinks waiting for the harsh comments, but unexpectedly she engulfs me in a warm embracing hug after lifting me up from my island of a mind. The ocean calms.

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