I Love You, Always | Teen Ink

I Love You, Always

May 18, 2022
By raincloud03 BRONZE, Gilbert, Arizona
raincloud03 BRONZE, Gilbert, Arizona
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"I've changed every part of me, until the puzzle pieces aren't me, at all" -jigsaw by conan gray


“I miss her.” She choked, suppressing a sob. 

“She would’ve loved this.” 

A single tear rolled down her cheek. 

“You know, she used to bring me here. We would lay on the blanket and read.” 

“I know sis... She’d be proud of you.” 

“Whenever she got bored, she would roll on top of me. That always made me laugh...” 

She smiled. A small smile, but it was real. 

“She would pepper my face with little baby kisses before I would get annoyed and pull her in for the real thing.”  

Her sister hugged her. 

“Memories suck.” 




“Don’t be afraid...”  

The ginger held out her hand.  

“What if we fall out?”   

The blonde’s lip quivered as she examined the bed of the truck. 

“We won’t... Come on... I’ll keep you safe.” The ginger promised. 

The blonde gave in, taking the ginger girl's hand. 

She settled comfortably against the ginger's side. 

After about 10 minutes of driving, she was comfortable. 

"I love this! And I love you!"  

As soon as their lips touched, she was snapped back to reality. 

Staring at the blonde's grave, the ginger girl placed a bouquet of sunflowers, murmuring, "I love you too, Princess, always."




"If you were here, you would probably be asking why I'm laying in front of a grave at 2am." 

She tried to laugh, but it came out as a strangled sob. 

"If you must know, I'm holding on to you. I come every night and stargaze with you."

The ginger sighed, running a hand over her face. 

"I wish I had more than just the memories to go off of." 

She was getting angry now.  

"I'm gonna say goodbye now. I'll be back tomorrow." 

The ginger stood up and started walking away. 

"Why does she have to be gone!?" 

The author's comments:

This piece is technically three pieces. It's my favorite thing I've ever written and I'm hoping other people enjoy it too. 

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