A War By Earth | Teen Ink

A War By Earth

June 1, 2022
By Gus3 BRONZE, Sussex, Wisconsin
Gus3 BRONZE, Sussex, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A storm had swept through my home town last night so frightening and fierce it sounded as though nature was battling itself. Thunder like an explosion boomed through the night, its voice seemingly of rage. Lightning briefly flashed across the skies just long enough for a glimpse of the falling trees and other chaos. Rain pounded on the roof as though bullets were pouring out of the sky to attack. I closed my eyes and thought to myself Ontario, whoever thought let's move there. This went on for hours, a world engulfed in natural and severe disarray. I listened and watched, waiting for the night to end. The night seemed to only grow darker, but darker meant the lightning was finished flashing. The voice of the thunder was no longer raging but rather whispering in the distance and the rain more like a gentle drizzle. The storm continued to soften and dissipate. I yawned realizing I had stayed awake through the night out of fear of the storm and it was now 5:30 in the morning. I peaked out of the door- there was no pounding rain. Opening the door further, a quiet had enveloped a previously chaotic and catastrophic world. I stepped outside and was met with a humid gust of wind caressing my face. The world smelled of water drenched soil and decaying wood. Grass gleamed with petite drops of water from the night’s storm giving it an emerald like appearance. In the forest where robins were shaking off their dampness as they began feasting on the worms who had come up from the ground to enjoy the rain. Squirrels were slowly progressing out of their hideaways, timid from the night’s events. Broken branches laid cast about the yard along with other items presumably blown in from other yards far away. As the sun continued to progress in the sky, an elysian beauty surrounded me I had never experienced before. Ontario, whoever thought let’s move there was right.

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