The Journey To China | Teen Ink

The Journey To China

January 31, 2023
By masterking48 GOLD, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
masterking48 GOLD, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Last night I dreamt that 9,632 days ago I was at The Great Wall of China. My journey there was incredible. We traveled around Lake Michigan, having hard boiled eggs for breakfast that morning. Listening to music on the way up having the sounds of Skrillex & Tiesto running through our speakers. It was early in the morning, so I had a Monster Energy Drink (0 sugar) to keep me up. As the trip progressed, we started talking about history and Benjamin Franklin came up. Perfect time to talk on the rainy day it was. I can recall myself wearing Beige tennis shoes. Eventually we got to the ocean and saw dolphins, but they didn’t hurdle out of the water… Bruh. Eventually the topic of talents came abroad and I said “Ich Spreche Deutsch”, because I speak a little German, and I touched on my experience with music production. I could have kept talking, but I really didn’t want any superfluous information & details confusing everyone even more about the craft of production. Later on, we finally arrived at The Great Wall of China. After countless hours of watching Shreck. Once we arrived, my family told me they loved me and that this trip was special, they said the family trip would have been so empty without me. All of us were happy, joyful, and thriving that day and the rest of the trip.

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