Siblinghood | Teen Ink


December 5, 2023
By mhusien000 BRONZE, Murfreesboro, Tennessee
mhusien000 BRONZE, Murfreesboro, Tennessee
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Everyday. my siblings and I would get into an argument. This one was about who gets no ice cream since there were only 3. My little siblings screamed and cried that they wanted ice cream, and my older brother said that he did not need it so I could get one, but he only wanted to guilt trip me. My siblings are so annoying. We always argue about who cleans, who gets the last dessert, who can use the colored pencils first, who has the bigger half of the donut, and who gets to sleep next to mom tonight. One time, my little brother broke my mom’s favorite vase while jumping around the house and lied about it. I am the one who got in trouble even though I did not do anything. All the attention goes to my little sister as soon as she goes into the room, she knows how to put on a show. My older brother is okay I guess, he yells at anyone who comes close to me and my siblings, he's my personal favorite. I wish I did not have younger siblings.  
I start sophomore year of high school; my siblings tell me about their first day of school and all the drama. We sit together laughing while looking at pictures of our first day of school pictures from previous years waiting for my older brother to come home from college to eat dinner. After dinner, my siblings wanted dessert, but there were only 3 ice creams, we argue because we feel bad about one of us not getting dessert. My siblings are the best.       

The author's comments:

My piece shows how siblinghood changes as you get older and how your perspective of your siblings changes.

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