Caleb lived a good life | Teen Ink

Caleb lived a good life

April 19, 2024
By 4bodway PLATINUM, Hartland, Wisconsin
4bodway PLATINUM, Hartland, Wisconsin
20 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Caleb started everyday the same, pulling the blankets off his warm body and jumping out of bed, pulling the orange curtains open to flood the room with gleaming sunlight. He picks out a t-shirt, shorts and sandals.

He sets them on the marble sink and  gets out a flower pattern towel on top of them. He tosses the dirty pajamas into the laundry basket. And then proceeds to toss himself into the shower with determination.

As he cleans himself he thinks about what he should do today. The park, beach or store. He could go to any of those places. And as he gets dressed he decides on one. So he goes to the kitchen and pulls out a bowl. Fill the bowl with some milk and lucky charms. Same thing everyday. And as he finishes he grabs his bag and turns the handle to the front door and opens it and walks through. Where he might go I don’t know.

The author's comments:

some of the format was gotten from Sandra Cisneros "Minerva writes poems"

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