Rejection | Teen Ink


May 10, 2024
By JoeBudington BRONZE, Northfield, Illinois
JoeBudington BRONZE, Northfield, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In the heart of the city, standing amongst the towering skyscrapers, stood the headquarters of SwiftTech, a leading tech company known for its innovative products and groundbreaking technological advancements. 

Recently, there has been a shift in the company's future visions. Solely around who will take over for Greg, CEO of SwiftTech. Greg is known for his passion for technology which propelled the company to new heights. However, as years passed, Greg's health began to decline. The stress of operating a billion-dollar enterprise has taken its toll, finding himself struggling to keep up with the demands of his position. Doctors have been recommending Greg to step back as the CEO and focus on his well being. 


“Lunch break?”

“Let’s go,” I responded.

Logging out of our desktop computers, we headed towards the elevator. Through the front doors you could feel the cool autumn breeze and the loud city sounds. Luke and I usually ate at a sandwich shop near the company building. We got our usual orders and sat down.

”What do you think Greg is gonna do?”

”Not really sure to be honest. He’s hard to replace.”

”Yeah, but what if he stays longer?”

”He’ll be gone as soon as they find the right person,” I responded while chewing. I always wondered what it would be like to look over a billion dollar business. What would it take? I thought to myself. I’m happy with my position right now, but I always wondered if I could be more. 

I came home to a pasta dinner my fiancé cooked, “Looks good.” 

“How was your day?”

”Eh, same old same old. Nothing special.”

”Oh, Brianna wants to have us over for dinner on Saturday.”

”Sounds good.” 

I didn’t necessarily like Brianna, but her husband is my coworker so it’s not the worst thing eating dinner there.

That night I had a hard time going to sleep. For some reason I couldn’t get my mind off the situation at SwiftTech. I was going through every scenario and option of who would replace Greg. Even though I knew it wouldn’t necessarily affect me, something about it kept me up.

The next day at work, I was finishing up some software work on my desk when I heard a knock on the door to my office. Diane, the receptionist, opened the door, “Hey Jack, this is Mr. Corrigan, he’s an acquaintance of Greg. Mr. Corrigan is roaming around today and observing the office.” I got up and shook the well dressed man's hand and introduced myself. “How’s it going? I’ve heard all about you Jack, I’m excited to possibly be working with you in the near future.” Mr. Corrigan said. He then proceeded to walk out. At first I thought he was just an intern, but it didn’t make sense because he was dressed so nicely. I then realized he was probably one of the men interviewing for Gregs position.

The following weeks were filled with anticipation as the search for Gregs replacement intensified. Various people were interviewed, each bringing their own visions to the table. However, Greg’s health continued to decline and it became evident that the transition needed to occur soon.

Each day, new candidates would walk in and out. In my opinion, none of them looked suitable for the role. That’s when I began to think about what I would do as the CEO of SwiftTech. I had this distinct vision in my head where I was operating the business and leading it to new heights. This vision kept me up all night. The thought of interviewing for the position crossed my mind, but I knew my colleagues would view it as some sort of joke. Although I knew I had the capabilities of being a great CEO, I feared setting up an interview and possibly getting humiliated.

At work the next day, Luke and I were nearing a stopping point heading to lunch break. Finishing up, we hit the elevator and headed over to the sandwich spot. Sitting down, I decided I would push a question at Luke: “What would you think of the idea of me setting up an interview for Greg’s spot?” He looked at me strangely, but then changed his expression. “I mean, that’s a bit of a long shot. But I’ve known you for years and you definitely have capabilities that others don’t.  I don't know man.”

”Yeah not sure, it’s just something that’s been crossing my mind lately. I just wanted to hear someone’s else’s thoughts.”

I wasn’t sure what to make of my interaction with Luke, but it didn’t really change my perspective. I already knew it was an extremely difficult spot to be elected for, but something deep inside me was telling me it was possible. 

Later that evening I was eating dinner with my fiance, I wanted to get her idea on my thoughts: “Do you think I would be a good CEO if I had the opportunity to take over? I’ve been really thinking about taking a shot at it?”

“Well, that's a big role to take on. Being with the company for a while you definitely hold some value to them, and you have great ideas. I just don’t know if that big of a jump from your position is possible.”

“Yeah it’s definitely a huge leap if it were to happen. However, I think it might be worth a try sharing my visions for the business's future. I don't know, it’s just something that's been circling my head lately and I really think I have the potential, I know it.” 

“I wouldn't put it past you. Have you brought this idea to anyone else yet?”

“Just Luke, but I didn't get much out of it.”



As the days passed, the idea of pursuing the position at SwiftTech gnawed at Jack. Constantly weighing the pros and cons, the risks and rewards, Jack began losing sleep. Knowing Greg’s descent was near, a replacement would be essential very soon. Making a decision was now a crucial choice for Jack

One evening, while sitting at his desk after work, Jack made a decision. He would take the leap and set up an interview for the position. Shutting out all of his fears and negatives of the choice, he drafted an email expressing his interest in the position. Outlining his qualifications, visions, and ideas for the company's future. He hesitated before hitting send. Jack, with his finger hovering over the mouse, took a deep breath and pressed send.

The days that followed were filled with anxiety as Jack waited for a response. Doubt and regret came in, but he shut it out, focusing on his priorities at hand. 

Sunday morning came around. Jack sat down at his desk at home and checked his email. There it was. It wasn’t from the hiring committee at Swiftech, it was from Greg:

Come up to my office tomorrow morning. I’m intrigued to discuss your interest in taking over.





I was overwhelmed with different emotions. Was this a good response? Is he actually giving me a shot? I began going through every scenario in my head. I didn’t know what would happen if I got rejected, that thought filled me with anxiety. I began rehearsing the interview in my head, then repeating my lines out loud. I was all over the place, I was extremely nervous, yet, I was so excited at the thought of getting the position.

The day came. I picked out my best looking outfit, ate a small breakfast, and made my commute to work. My palms were sweating profusely. I took deep breaths to calm myself down as I entered the glass doors to the building. Walking straight to the elevator with the little confidence I had, I pressed the up button and waited anxiously. 

“Ding”. My fate was near. I entered the elevator and pressed 86, the floor Greg’s office was located. I took deep breaths to calm myself down, wiping my sweaty hands dry on my pants. Here we go.

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