The Same Ending | Teen Ink

The Same Ending

June 30, 2009
By corbin SILVER, Sneads Ferry, North Carolina
corbin SILVER, Sneads Ferry, North Carolina
8 articles 0 photos 1 comment

she picks up her glass, filled to the top with the party's finest, and with one swift movement she chugs it down. you can tell where she is going.

she picks up her book, filled with words of wisdom, and with one swift movement she turns the page only to continue filling her life with fictional stories. you can tell where she is going.

she picks up her clothes, filled with mass amounts of smoke, perfume, and spilled beer, and with one swift movement she silently creeps out of his room, whoever he might be. you can tell where she is going.

she picks up a pencil, filled with fingerprints of a confused individual, and with one swift movment she writes her own fictional wonderments, she lets the wall down that barriers her emotions. you can tell where she is going.

she picks up her friend, filled with a ton of alchohol, and with one swift movement she lugs her to the backseat, tilting her head into a old plastic bag, just in case she wakes up. you can tell where she is going.

she picks up her blanket, filled with soft comfort, and with one swift movement she wipes away the unwelcomed tears from her cheeks and eyes, the constant flow ruins her with every passing second. you can tell where she is going.

she picks up the keys, filled with trust and respect, and with one swift movement she turns the ignition and says goodbye to all the drunken people, still feeling a little drunken herself. you can tell where she is going.

she picks up the pills, filled with chemicals to make you numb, and with one swift movement she pops them into her mouth. knowing that taking this back is no longer reasonable. you can tell where she is going.

she picks up her hands, filled with shock, and with one swift movement terror fills the car, she didn't see that stop sign. you can tell where she is going.

she picks up her phone, filled with things that are never repeated, and with one swift movement she sends a text "goodbye, i'll miss you for eternity.", her eyes shut. you know where she is going.

she picks up her head, filled with scattered thoughts, and with one swift movement she see's the flashing lights, screaming bystanders, and scrambling uniforms but with black closing in on her the scene is blurry. her eyes shut. you know where she is going.

The author's comments:
this piece is what i believe to be my breaking point in writing. after completing this i sat back and finally realized that writing is something i would love to create a career with, it is by far my sole passion.


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