Mexico City Churros | Teen Ink

Mexico City Churros

October 21, 2009
By Cayman Ancell BRONZE, Lubbock, Texas
Cayman Ancell BRONZE, Lubbock, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was a hot, stuffy morning as I awoke from the cot I had been sleeping in the night before. Just like every other morning, I put on my torn clothes and headed to “the shack” as we liked to call it. Because I was feeling up to the challenge, I paid the man for 100 churros. I would be selling in a new section of Mexico City that I had never been to before, so I brought my wooden crutches along. Kids with disabilities fake or not, are more likely to sell more churros. As I was hobbling along with my crutches and my churros, I ran into some older, ugly kids. They had been following me for quite sometime now, because apparently i was in their part of town. When I was nearly about halfway done selling my churros they came and cornered me. They said “hey John! Why are you bargin in on our territory!?”. I kept my mouth shut so I would not anger them any further. Before I knew it, they were attacking me and throwing punches. I tried defending myself, but it was useless. They had finally satisfied themselves enough to stop wailing on me. They threw my papers to the side and left me on the ground with real injuries. Then I woke up. I suddenly realized that It was all a dream, and I was late for work.

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