Drunken Soul. | Teen Ink

Drunken Soul.

April 19, 2010
By Iamber GOLD, Smiths, Alabama
Iamber GOLD, Smiths, Alabama
19 articles 0 photos 17 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Don't think, don't judge, just listen." - Sarah Dessen

Her hourglass now has no grains of sand, empty like her hazel eyes. Her clock has ticked for the last time. Without a minutes notice everything has changed. She was drunk, alcohol her best friend has led nothing but a path of betrayal as the blue little car flips, not once, not twice but several times. She’s beaten and bruised. One last flip and that’s all it takes, blood everywhere and a heart with no beat.

She was young and reckless. She never seen it coming. One night of seething happiness that flowed all so gracefully down her throat. No one was there to uncover the sorrow she left behind. The marks on her fragile body not all from the crash but from one she loved. A slap here and there became more than a slap, more than here and there.

Her only escape was one she kept a secret, one she always looked to. Bottles hid so well. Alcohol on her tongue mounted with mints and gum. Like a mask she hid her pain and sorrow, even her only happiness. Happiness that now has left her for dead.

Loved ones cry, they never knew. Maybe if someone dared or even cared enough to look under the criteria of the skin they'd had seen all she was hiding. She never told anyone, they said. She never asked for help, they cried. But now their was no chance for help. She was a lost soul, looking for a easy way out.


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