Remember Your Pills | Teen Ink

Remember Your Pills

August 9, 2010
By taylorleigh17 SILVER, Pleasantville, Pennsylvania
taylorleigh17 SILVER, Pleasantville, Pennsylvania
6 articles 2 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
If you love something set it free. If it comes back it was meant to be.

It just happens to be a closed casket. Not what I’d expect from him. He was always the guy to be showing himself off to the world. Never cared what people thought of him. Well I do guess it has been a long time. I assume about twenty years now. We were very close people Kale and I.
It all started the first day of our senior year. He drove to my house and picked me up like he always did. This time there was something different about that boy. He was almost glowing. As soon as I was in that car the unthinkable happened, he asked me to be his girl. I was in complete shock. Now Kale was the schools star. He was a football player, he wrestled and he was a sweetie. I on the other hand was a gothic, rockette and very smart. We were the weirdest pair of friends. I guess that’s why it worked.
I decided that I’d be his girl. We walked in holding hands. That caused a fuss. The schools star with the schools weirdo. We never let that faze us. Our mothers always knew we’d end up together, but we always blushed, laughed, and walked away.
We were the perfect couple and did everything we could together. I even tutored him. After high school we both went to separate colleges so we took a break. I didn’t meet anyone up to par with Kale. We talked all the time and he too never found anyone like me. So it was only natural we get back together.
When I came home after graduation there sitting on my front step was Kale. He nearly tackled me when he saw me. Right then and there he got down on one knee and proposed to me. The answer was yes. Our mothers were ecstatic.
We got married two years later on July 28, 2020. It was a beautiful wedding. By then we both had great jobs and lived in Honolulu, Hawaii. On April 3, 2023 we had a daughter named Otep Amie. She looked just like her daddy.
I wish Kale could be here for our little girls wedding. What finally snapped inside him is beyond me. I still can not go into that shed out at grandmas. The thought frightens me. I guess he remembered pill two and three. Must have forgotten pill one.

The author's comments:
I wrote this piece after breakfast with my grandma. She has depression and anxity. She always jokes around about what her pills are for.


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