The Experience that Changed Me | Teen Ink

The Experience that Changed Me

December 16, 2010
By coolstudygirl GOLD, Vermilion, Ohio
coolstudygirl GOLD, Vermilion, Ohio
16 articles 0 photos 38 comments

Hello! And my name is Marianne and I am here to tell you the story of the event that changed my life forever. I was a sophomore in high school and I hated everything about it especially my French class I hated the teacher and I did not try in her class because I found other things more interesting. I had a few friends but they are not that close to me though. In French I never talked unless I was forced to talk and even then I spoke softly and I got all Fs on everything that we did in that class because I just did not have the effort and I just didn’t even care and the teacher was very annoying to me.

Then one day all of that changed. In the middle of the school year I was absent for a few days then when I came back my friend Allison came up to me and said “Madame died last night! And by the way here is a note that she wanted to give to you.” Then I opened it up and it said “Marianne if you are reading this right now I wanted to tell you that I really want you to do better in my class and I know that you have the potential to do that and when you come back I want to see you trying harder in my class”. Then I asked when she gave it to her and she told me that it was yesterday. I started to feel guilty about not trying that I changed my perspective on things especially French.

After we got the new French teacher I started to try harder and then everyone was asking me why I was so different and motivated to do well. I kept my answer a secret until now and I kept it a secret for ten years and when I am writing this it’s been excatly ten years since this life changing event happened. Now I am a French teacher teaching in France and enjoying it. I am also enjoying my life and have a wonderful husband and three children.

“Marianne come here I think that Allison needs a life lesson now”.


“Because she said that she hates her English class.”

“Okay. Well she was just like me when I was younger with the same personality that I had. Well I gotta go now to tell her my story now. Bye!”

The author's comments:
Like my character I used to hate French but now I like it now.


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