Jagged Roads | Teen Ink

Jagged Roads

May 22, 2011
By KerriLS BRONZE, East Greenwich, Rhode Island
KerriLS BRONZE, East Greenwich, Rhode Island
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Cause all I want is to know for sure<br /> That when I day I lived the best that I could<br /> We&#039;re all falling down the rabbit hole<br /> So hold my hand and never let it go&quot; -&quot;Good Times&quot; by Susie Suh

You’ve got everyone talking now. You told me you were going to make it big. It was the only way to go, you said. Hit the ground running. Pound the pavement, hard and fast. No regrets.

I tried to listen when you talked. I really, really tried.

When your foot slipped on the stairs, I screamed. I’ll admit it. You regained your balance and kept on climbing, and I was right there behind you, but my palms are still slick. I’m still shaking.

No regrets.

Hard and fast, you said. I pounded the pavement, but I still couldn’t find you. You’ve left me with bruised fists and your bruised ambition.

No regrets.

Today for breakfast I had pulpy juice and a third of a bowl of stale cereal. I hate pulp. You used to love it.

No regrets, you said. I really, really tried.

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