Dialogue between Teenager and Zit | Teen Ink

Dialogue between Teenager and Zit

June 9, 2011
By Forrest McKenzie BRONZE, El Cajon, California
Forrest McKenzie BRONZE, El Cajon, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Teenager: Oh my, why must I suffer from this embarrassing bump?
Zit: As you can most clearly see, I am part of you, as you are part me.
Teenager: Why pick me? What did I do? Did I get a bad grade or disrespect my parents?
Zit: Silly, silly, silly. I am not here because you failed a class or were mean. I came here to show you how life is off the T.V. screen.
Teenager: I cannot live with you anymore. You have been here for days and now you must go.
Zit: Do you really believe that popping me will do you good? It will only solve the problems you face for a while. Then I will simply return with a white-headed smile.
Teenager: You are annoying and please just go. I cannot live a life with you anymore.
Zit: I am here to teach you that nothing in life is fair, be it the color of your hair or not winning a game, you must learn early to walk forward without any shame.
Teenager: I still do not understand. Why must I learn this right now, and most specifically, why from you?
Zit: Well, one day you will look back and remember me, mostly for the embarrassment I caused. However, you will realize what I did was for your education of life’s implications and all.
Teenager: As long as I learn I guess you can stay, but I am sure there are other homes that would beckon you to stay. . .
Zit: Oh yes! That is true, every teen in the world welcomes me onto their face as you should too!
Teenager: You must realize too that I had no warning that you would stay.
Zit: You should show us some elation, for you are lucky we only use your face as a Motel 6 for a get away.

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