Poppy Seeds | Teen Ink

Poppy Seeds

August 3, 2011
By Vareesha12 ELITE, Troy, Michigan
Vareesha12 ELITE, Troy, Michigan
130 articles 0 photos 9 comments

I watched her, she was laughing and talking with strangers. In her hand were a handful of poppy seeds that she held loosely. After a while, when they got closer, became friends, her hand became wide open and she offered them poppy seeds which they happily accepted. I tried the same, but instead, her hand clenched tightly from the beginning and no matter how long I talked to her, how deep our bond became, her hand was rigid. After a while, I gave up and just asked for some. Her hand faltered, as if she would open it up, finally, but then they became even more clamped and she ran. One backwards glance, only one, and it was full of tears. What did I do wrong?

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