Oklahoma City and All That Jazz | Teen Ink

Oklahoma City and All That Jazz

February 23, 2012
By LadyDi SILVER, Springfield, Illinois
LadyDi SILVER, Springfield, Illinois
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Favorite Quote:
"Don't hate the player, hate the game."

“Trey, what are you doing this Friday?” 14-year-old Zoey Humphrey asked her 16-year-old brother, whose real name was Tremaine.

“I don’t know exactly. I was supposed to hang out with Bryan and Terrance but I haven’t exactly decided. Why? What’s up?” Trey questioned.

“Well, Uncle Manny wanted to take you, Taylor and me to the Oklahoma City Thunder game. I told him you didn’t have anything to do. Plus, he got us front row seats, not even the cheap old nosebleed seats. Do you know how much front row seats cost? They’re like eight hundred bucks. He told Taylor and I that he’s been saving his money up for five months and wanted to take us as a surprise because were his favorite nieces and nephew,” Zoey stated.

“Are you kidding? I wouldn’t miss this chance ever! Maybe I could finally get the autograph of Kevin Durant. Man, wait till the guys hear about this!” With that statement Trey sped out of the room to phone his friends.

“Tayylooor! Come here!” Zoey yelled at the top of her lungs. Thump, thump, thump! Taylor came down the stairs dressed in a dark blue The North Face jacket, black yoga pants and silver Sperry’s.

“Trey is coming with us to the OKC Thunder game Friday,” Zoey said.

“Okay, so why should I care?” Taylor replied as she rolled her eyes.

“You’re going to ask sooner or later so you might as well get the answer now,” Zoey retorted.
“How does this sound for my Language Arts prepositional phrase worksheet? Up around the corner, down the street, ahead of time…” Taylor began but was interrupted my Zoey.
“Okay, okay I don’t care, geesh!” complained Zoey.
Taylor was 13-years-old and often had attitude problems. Both girls attended Manhattan Junior High School. Ever since Taylor has been at the school, she started getting weird attitudes off and on. Their mom suggested that it was just a sign of her growing up and tried to convince Zoey that she had went through the same phase also when she was in seventh grade. But, Zoey failed to believe it. Trey attended Olive Tree High School.

The next morning, Zoey was eager to tell her BFF’s, Olivia and Katrinna about her Uncle Manny taking her and her siblings to see the OKC game.

“Oh my gosh, guess what you guys?” Zoey excitedly began.

“What, what?” Katrinna replied returning the emotion.

“My Uncle is taking me, Taylor and Trey to the OKC Thunder game this Friday,” Zoey cried. “We even get to sit in front row seats.”

“Lucky duck. I won’t ever get a chance to do that,” Olivia responded. “I’m lucky if I even get to go to Washington D.C.”

“I agree with Olivia. I’m lucky if I go to Disney World,” Katrinna chimed in.

“Dang, I didn’t mean for this to be a break-down session,” Zoey continued.

“We don’t mean it that way Zo,” Katrinna quickly said.

“Yeah, were happy for you one hundred percent,” Olivia said as she looked over at Katrinna for a smile. Katrinna returned the favor and both girls turned to smile at Zoey. The girls then hugged each other. Riing! The first period bell rang giving a warning that it was time to go to class.
“Well, I’ll see ya at lunch,” Olivia replied as she turned towards the direction of her class.

“See ya Olive,” Katrinna said as she waved in Olivia’s direction.

“Bye, bye,” Zoey called.

“Well, I guess I’ll see you later too Zoey.”

“Kat, we have the same first period.”

“Oh yeah! Talk about a dumb moment.”

“What would I do without you?” Zoey asked as her and Katrinna walked down the hall.

The day had finally came. It was an hour before the game would start. Uncle Manny would be there any minute to pick up the three siblings. Each sibling had on an Oklahoma City Thunder t-shirt with jeans and sneakers.

“Ready for tonight?” Trey asked eagerly.

“You betcha!” Taylor yelled.

“Sure am,” chimed Zoey.

“Good because the first thing I’m doing when I get there is buying a souvenir and some Jalapeno Nachos,” cried Trey.

“Good idea bro,” Zoey said. I think I’m craving a chili cheese dog, popcorn and Gatorade.”

“Wow, what a meal,” Taylor said.
Ding dong! Uncle Manny rang the doorbell. The kids grabbed their coats and rushed through the door before their parents had a chance to answer it.

“Bye mom.” The kids said in unison. With that, they were on their way.

“What’s got you kids in a rush?” Uncle Manny questioned as he drove away from the Humphrey household.

“Were just really excited about the game,” said Trey.

“Yeah Uncle Manny. We’ve been waiting for this moment all week,” Zoey said

“Really our whole lives,” Taylor added. Uncle Manny glanced in the rearview mirror.

“Well if you kids say so. I’m looking forward to a great time with my favorite little champs!” Uncle Manny smiled. The kids looked at each other and smiled. Knowing that they were in for a treat.

When the family got inside the Chesapeake Energy Arena, they found a scrawny male usher to lead them to their front row seats having them be reserved while they went to the Concession Stand to gather snacks they would need for the game.

“Get everything you think you’ll need to last you for the first half or for the whole game. I don’t plan on coming back here and at halftime it will be crowded. Whoever chooses to go then will do so without me,” Uncle Manny explained. The children got all of what they said they wanted including a few extra snacks they thought would last them.

“How many of you guys are there?” asked a bulgy man behind the group.

“Well sir, it’s just us four none more none less,” said Uncle Manny as he turned his gaze to the fellow.

“That’s probably how much I eat as a person,” chuckled the man. The group failed to acknowledge the man once more. They then headed the direction of their seats.

“Welcome to tonight’s game starting the home team, the Oklahoma City Thunder and the Visitors, Phoenix Suns. Now we will have our starting line-up for the Suns,” the announcer yelled. Barely anybody clapped for the Suns. The arena was as quiet as night.

“Now for our starting line-up for the Oklahoma City Thunder. First we have…,” the announcer was then interrupted by a scrawny lady who wore black khakis and a blue ruffled blouse. The crowd was silent for a few seconds as the lady whispered in to the man’s ear.

“We have a breaking news announcement folks. It turns out our two starting players; Russell Westbrook and Kevin Durant have been reported missing. They were last seen earlier today at the Red Lobster Building. For more information stay put.

Zoey dropped her popcorn. The crowd began to buzz about the event. Rumble, beep, whirl! A group of policeman stood on the court holding Tasers and Laser equipment.
To be continued…

The author's comments:
I hope the events that happen in this story don't really happen! I had a Language Arts elective due in a week and I couldn't really think of a topic, so I chose to write about the Oklahoma City Thunder!!


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