In a Jar | Teen Ink

In a Jar

February 15, 2013
By Anonymous

One Day I was walking down an ally to my house and this old witch came out of the dark and said “if you don’t be my servant ill shrink you and put you into a jar.” ‘Whatever I said and keep on walking.” Once I got home I went to my room and fell asleep. When I woke up my blanket was way to big for me. My mom comes in and sees i’m not in bed so she storms off. I get up and look of the corner of my bed. “Its a long drop” I said to myself. I look around for a way down and I found one. my blanket is hanging off my bed so I slip down it. Im on my way to the kitchen and i get stop in my tracks of a big fluffy thing in my way. Its my cat Moka Joe. I scream at her and she can’t hear me but she sees me. Moka looks at me, bats at me. I hurry up and run away. Finally I found my mom but she is doing the dishes. so I found a way up to yell at her and she does not see me. “I have to find the witch” I say to my self. I slide underneath my front door and know i’m on my way to the witches house its cold out and its still a little dark out. I’m walking down the ally and I stop at were the witch stops me. “There has to be a way to her house. I step in the dark and fall what feels like forever and finally I hit the ground. “There is the witches house” I said. Now i’m one my way to the witches house. On the walk there was very creepy. It looked like the trees had eyes and was starring at me when I was walking by. Finally I reach the witches house. I crawl under the door, I look around. Right before I took a step a jar came out of no were and traps me. Two or three hours the jar is getting lifted up and right there is the face of the witch.

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