The last battle | Teen Ink

The last battle

February 26, 2013
By Nbaseball18 BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
Nbaseball18 BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In the year 2030 the world finds itself it what seems to be another world war. My name is Master Sergeant Nicholas Patterson of the United States Marine Corps. My men and I were fighting hard somewhere in Texas against countless waves of Chinese attacks. Most everything here has been destroyed by the numerous fights. It seems like something from a movie but its real life. Buildings are burned to the ground, cars are on fire or burned, and the trees are burnt down. Bullet after bullet, missile after missile, plane after plane; it seems endless. Attacks like these have been occurring more and more often as the war goes on.
One night during a nasty thunderstorm there is no enemy fire and we are all resting in our bunks except for Robby. Private Robby was one heck of a character. He was from the same small town that I was. We barely knew each other through out high school. I first met him when he enlisted. I was already enlisted and I became his commanding officer. Once we got started talking we found out we went to the same high school and we just hit it off.
Our bunks weren’t too bad. We had bunks and a nice big empty space with tables and coaches. It wasn’t much but it was better than what was outside. Robby usually takes walks at night to calm his nerves down and to deal with stress; he usually ends up falling asleep somewhere. But this night felt different. Aside from the rain and thunder it was almost too quiet. Usually at night you can here Chinese firing squads killing prisoners and shooting practice targets but tonight there was nothing. I got an uneasy feeling and left our HQ to go and find private Robby. I geared up and set out, I got ready for anything; this war has been so unpredictable. You never know where the enemy is or what they’re doing.
I stumbled through the woods lugging all my gear and found an open field with one tree in the middle. I scanned the area and saw a man sitting by the tree. I shined my light out and hollered Betsy but get no response. Betsy is what you say to see if a person is an enemy or a friendly. If they yell out “friendly” your good, if they come out shooting well I’d shoot back. Anyway, I heard no response and the person didn’t move at all. I began to approach the tree staying alert with my gun on the man. My nerves were on fire and I was sweating like a horse. I did not know if I was walking into an ambush or not; it was war, you never know. I stayed as quiet as I could to try and creep up on him so I don’t get attacked. Once I got close enough I realized that it was private Robby and all my worries were set aside for a brief second.
“On your feet solider!” I yelled out
Robby sprung to his feet as fast as he could. We are both looking face to face and then bam! Out of nowhere our HQ is demolished by a bomb and the private and I are sent flying in opposite directions. After a few minutes I awoke in the middle of the woods miles away from the HQ. I gazed toward the base and saw planes flying overhead while our bunks and our friends are being burned. I stumbled to my feet dazed and confused, I began to walk back to base and I’m shocked at what I saw. Buildings were leveled and soldiers were running around on fire. The whole place was destroyed; it was just a giant pit in the middle of nowhere. My team was gone, our whole base was gone. There was no point looking for survivors it was clear that no one was left. I spent a few minutes of walking in the rubble looking for anything with little hope.
I start to sprint in the direction I saw Private Robby fly and tried to find him hoping he was alive. The whole time I was running I was thinking about everything my life and how I almost lost it and how all my men lost theirs. Then I started to think about their families and how it will affect them, I was in tears. Confused, sad and hurt I continued to run and look for the private.
Minutes after minutes which felt like days after days, my search brings me back to where that tree used to be. I take a second and realize that he very well could be dead. While I was sitting there thinking of my next move I hear moaning in the distance. I rush over hoping it was the private and it was. I was happy when I realized it was him. When I got to him and hunch over him I then noticed that he was hit badly. It seemed that a piece of wood from the HQ struck him in the stomach going through his body. I was devastated at this sight and immediately called in for a med-evac. Moments later we are boarded into the helicopter and the med officers begin to work on him but I can tell it’s a lost cause there’s no way he can survive. After a half hour ride we make it to a hospital in New Mexico. Before we even get him off the helicopter he stops breathing. The doctors rush him in and begin to do everything they can. I’m waiting in the waiting room and about 20 minutes later the doctors come baring the news.
“How is he Doc?” I asked
“We did everything we can but the injuries are too severe we are all deeply sorry and very much grateful for his service.” He replied.

I was devastated and I knew his family was crushed. He was going to be a father and to die in such a way is awful. We had plans to bring our families together and all these other plans once we got back home. He will always be remembered and I will help care for that kid as if it was my own.


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