the trouble ive been | Teen Ink

the trouble ive been

February 26, 2013
By kimberly hernandez hernandez BRONZE, Inver Grove Heights, Minnesota
kimberly hernandez hernandez BRONZE, Inver Grove Heights, Minnesota
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

As I walked home from football practice, I noticed I was limping. Probably because 3 boys tackled me from the waist down but I ignored the bruises and wounds on my legs. My name is Mark Andrew Wayne. I look like those cute but dangerous look on my face. I would consider myself pretty popular at school. I have awesome friends and good grades and I appreciate everything everyone does for me. I am 6 ft. tall, I’m 16 years old I a gold colored eyes that shine even when it is dark. I live with my brother Dallas because my parents die in a car crash and only Dallas and I survived. Dallas is that type of guy that is tall and had a handsome face that nobody could resist. He was a tree. He was tall very natural and always was full, of happiness. Of course though he doesn’t have a girlfriend because he thought girls were very tricky plus he was too busy for one. He worked 3 different jobs because he had to pay the bills and for food. Before my parents died, Dallas was very let loose and now he is kind of strict if you got him angry but if he is in a good mood, he would get drunk just by telling jokes or just plain living life wildly.
By the time I got home, it was very quiet because Dallas wasn’t inside. I went to the horses stable to feed them and that’s where I found Dallas he had a surprised look on his face. He was feeding the horses. I notice something was missing. It was Squirt. Squirt was my horse and only I rode him and only I fed him. He was a black mustang. He was about 4 years old but he ran like the wind. He was what I called a “black knight”. He had no fears but he acted like he did. He was fast and you never know what to expect from him. He was my pride and joy. And he was gone, nowhere to be found and gone. I asked Dallas what was going on but he did not reply. I asked him again. We lived in a very big landscape about 200 acres.
“He’ll be back.” Dallas said finally.
“Really?” I said to him worried.

“Maybe.” Dallas said mumbling.
“What did you just say?”
I told him with a very insecure voice. But he did not answer.
“Where is he?” I asked as I walked away.
“You’re not gonna find him here!”
But I was long gone by the time he had said it. It was 6:30 when I had left the farm to look for squirt. I began to wonder, what if Dallas sold him to another owner. But I kept telling myself “he’s alive I know it.” It was about midnight when I got home from looking for squirt. I couldn’t find squirt. I tried to sneak into my room without getting caught. But I got caught by the windows.
“Where In the world have you been!” Dallas had told me in a nervous/ angry voice.
“That’s nun your business.” I said hatefully.
“Nun my business, it is my business” he told me frustrated.
“Sorry.” I said. I felt kind of bad for him because he had a job interview at 7:00pm to 10:00pm. And he lost that opportunity for a better job. It was a school night but I stayed home to look for Squirt again. Of course Dallas didn’t know I stayed home today. I left to look for Squirt but I couldn’t find him. This time I went to the farms nearby. But one of the farmers did know where Squirt was but he didn’t want to tell me. Days have passed and Dallas has been getting worried about me because I’ve been out in the coldness the whole time plus I was getting a really bad fever and a very bad headache that I was almost bleeding and yelling. But of course that didn’t stop me from looking for Squirt. From November 18 to November 24, I was starting to think that he was already dead or that he was probably more happy where he is now than when he was with us. Dallas came into my room and told me
“You know, I sold your horse for a reason”
“Why?” I told him with tears in my eyes.
“Because I wanted to know how much you had cared for him and I wanted to know how responsible you were. And now I know how much he means for you.” I was already bawling when he told me.
“I’m so sorry Mark.” He told me almost whispering.
“Its alright” “lets go get him back I call the owner.”
“Okay” I told him with so much joy inside of me. On our way to the farmer’s house, Dallas told me I was bleeding from my legs and my forehead.
“Bro I gotta take you to the hospital.” He told me worried.
“NO! We gotta get squirt, take him back home then we’ll go to the hospital. Alright?” there was a silence
for about half a second I yelled at him
“Okay, okay just don’t scream at me.” We got to the farmer’s house and Dallas told me
“I’ll talk to the guy, give him a good amount of money for the horse. You stay here”
“Okay”I told him almost half asleep.
“hi there my name is Kathy. Wow umm.. are you okay?” told me the farmer’s daughter.
“I don’t know anymore.”
“Here ill go get you a towel to wipe your face.
” Thanks so much.”
“I’ll be right back.” She just smiled and winked back at me. She was as beautiful as the sunsets. I think. I started to get really dizzy and started to get a bad vision. I think her eye color was green or blue. She was probably my height and she was the most beautiful girl I have every seen. I could almost see her being my girlfriend. She was coming back and so was Dallas with squirt and the farmer. “
here is the horse.” The farmer said.
“Thanks so much Mr. Matthews” said Dallas with so much joy for me.
“ Wow son we better get you to the hospital!”
“NO!” I told him.
“We gotta get Squirt back home then we will go to the hospital.” I told him so angry.
“How bout Dallas takes him back home and me and Kathy take you to the hospital?”
“I’m one lucky fellow” I told myself almost, then giggled.
I think I was knocked out because I woke up in the hospital. Kathy was sitting next to me like I thought she would. She was asleep with the cutest smile in the world I have ever seen from a girl. She started waking up so I was pretending like I was asleep but she caught me.
“Hey Mark.” She told me yawning and yet half asleep.
“Hey Kathy.” I told her with a fake yawn.
“How’s it going?”
“I feel kinda numb and in so much pain.”
“Yea they gave you about 4 shots for you to got to sleep.. Also did you know that you have a skin infection? Because of your wounds and you deep cuts from football.”
“Ouch” I told her almost feeling the pain just by thinking about it.
“Really cause that’s not what I heard you say.” She told me giggling, and kind of confused.

“What did I say then Mrs. Smarty pants?” I asked her with a smile on my face. She told me “come at me needles I don’t fear you, ha that doesn’t hurt at all!”
“Whatever” I told her with such disbelief.
“Yea well do you believe me now?” she showed me a video of me screaming at the doctors.
I look pretty good when I yell.” I told her with so much pride.
“Yea” she told me.

“Hey, I was wondering If you would wanna go out some time.”
“Sure, how about when you get better though?”
Weeks have passed and I was finally going back to school. My English teacher told me “Mark, you have to get those grades up you are almost failing my class.”

“I know Mr. Arend, how can I make it up to you?”
“Well you can write or type a story of your own personal experience.”

“Okay I’ll start today.” I told him very strong and I meant it.
“Thanks Mark.” I just smiled back at him and walked away.

When I got home I started right on my personal story. And it started a little like this:
As I walked home from football practice, I noticed I was limping. Probably because 3 boys tackled me by the waist down but I ignored the bruises and wounds on my leg.

The author's comments:
my cousins inspired me to write this story because they told me "if you love someone or something so much, chase it"

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