Unanswered | Teen Ink


May 8, 2013
By Anonymous

I sat at the kitchen table just staring at my phone. Should I press send? Should I just not even bother anymore? Maybe there is a reason he hasn’t responded. Either way, he has seen my texts and he hasn’t answered me back. What will sending one more really do? I sent another “Hey” and stared at the line of blue bubbles saying the exact same thing. The kitchen chair was hard and uncomfortable. I decided to get up and walk over to the couch. It has been a week since I have seen him. We just left, he didn’t even bother to say goodbye. I knew it was better this way. We can’t be together. He was going off into the Army and I would be going off to college. I knew we both wanted to make it work and stay together. Well, these texts tell me otherwise. I sat on the couch and turned on the TV trying to clear my head. Instead I sat there staring as I was waiting to hear my phone ding to inform me of an incoming text. I could hear my mom in the next room talking on the phone to my sister. If only she were here to be able to help me. I hate that I can’t get him out of my mind. We haven’t even known each other for that long? Why can I not get him out of my mind? I look down at my ankle and see the fresh cut. I had gotten it when I had fallen on our second date when we went hiking. He didn’t even help me, instead he just laughed. I should have known then he was a jerk from that. I look at my phone again only to see that he has not texted back. It is a Friday night. What am I supposed to do? Just wait around here to see if he texts back? No! I deserve to go out and be happy. Immediately I take my phone and text my best friend.

“Hey! You busy?”

“I was just about to leave to go over to Brent’s. You wanna come? A bunch of his friends are going to be there though.”

“That is perfect. I am on my way!” Yes! I have plans, a plan to get over my man. This will be a great way to forget about him. I rush to my room to change. As I grab my car keys I yell to my mom I will be back later which is answered by her waving her hand at me since she is still one the phone. I jump into my car and drive off to Gina’s. Yes, tonight will surely work. If he can ignore me I can ignore him. For the first time all week, I wasn’t worried about if he would text me back or anything about him in general. I just thought about my night ahead of me.

Jack looked at his phone. One more message had appeared. He tucked his phone to the back pocket of his pants and held the door open for his date. She took his hand and led him toward her house.

The author's comments:
This is something based on a true experience

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