I Hope This Letter Finds You Well | Teen Ink

I Hope This Letter Finds You Well

August 5, 2013
By ForTheWin BRONZE, Arlanta, Georgia
ForTheWin BRONZE, Arlanta, Georgia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
If the radiance of a thousand suns<br /> <br /> Were to burst at once into the sky,<br /> <br /> That would be like the splendor of the Mighty One...<br /> <br /> I am become Death,<br /> <br /> The shatterer of Worlds

I cant wait til you get home. Aunty says I should be patient. She says that alot. Shes a big meanie!
I love you!

I don’t think aunty is sending my letters to you. Why aren’t you answering? Maybe you have lots of important things to do. I bet you miss me. I miss you. You’ve been gone for almost a six months.
I’m in third grade now. I love my school even more now, cause I dont have Mr. Henderson any more. He was a (scratched out)
Aunty says I need to use my nice words. You would let me call people names.
I go to see mommy every other day now. I don’t even cry anymore. I bet youre really proud of me.

You always used to go on trips, but you were never gone this long. And you still haven’t written me back.
I miss you.

Joey at school said something scary. He said you’re dead. He said you were drunk and walked into a car.
But I know its not true. I’m in fourth grade now so I know when people are lieing.
I’m going to talk to aunty about it later.
You missed me graduating third grade. Granny came, and she cried and hugged me. I love granny so much. Aunty says I might go live with her soon.
I got to go to the water park the week before school started. I love aunty too.
I love you
Sammy (that’s the nickname Kyle gave me! Its shorter. I love Kyle too. He gave me candy on Valentines day.)

Granny says you’re dead and aunty was lying to me. But she’s the one lying. Aunty wouldn’t lie about that.
I know you’re okay. I’ll see you soon.

You’re gone. You’re really gone.

I hate you! I HATE YOU!!! How could you leave me alone? How could you be so selfish?
I moved back in with Aunt Linda last week and I read all the letters I sent you. Linda never even sent them and how could she? You left me alone!
I can’t believe I used to spend time on you! This is the last thing I’ll ever write to you. I’m going to be better than you ever were.
I hate you.

I still think about you, and mom.

I don’t understand how you could do this to me, even after six years. I just don’t get it. I know you were sad because you lost mom, but I lost her too, and so did Aunt Linda. Aunt Linda knew her even longer than you did, they were sisters. She didn’t become an alcoholic. She didn’t get herself killed. And now she and granny have to raise me.
Just… come back.

I’m dating a boy named Sean. I wonder if you would like him.
I wonder why I care.

I graduated high school without a boyfriend but with a 3.9 GPA. If you wanted to know.

I know you didn’t ask to get hit by a car. I know you didn’t really want to die.
I found the teddy bear you gave me for my fifth birthday. I’m taking it to college with me.

god im crying. Havent cried in years
i stil hate u. this is ur fault. Im drunk. Ive nevr ben drunk befor. I feel like u.
what if i dye. i could die.
Then id be like yu

I’m a lawyer now. And I’m engaged. I’m happy. Successful.

I barely remember you or mom anymore, you know. You’ve still been the most important person in my life for years, hanging over everything I’ve done. I said I hated you, but I mostly wanted to prove I was better than you.
I’m stopping that now. I have a kid of my own on the way and I need to move on. I’ll raise my child without ghosts haunting all my decisions.
But I still miss you, and I still love you. I won’t forget you.

The author's comments:
I wanted to accurately portray the grieving process - any and all criticism would be loved.


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