Run Away | Teen Ink

Run Away

November 28, 2013
By GeorgiaStephen BRONZE, Wellington, Other
GeorgiaStephen BRONZE, Wellington, Other
3 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
Don't follow your dreams, chase them!

She stood there. Tears falling like shattering glass. Tension building up in the air. A slow rhythm beating repetitively, staining the walls with it’s sound. Lifeless strands of dead flat hair, fall as a silhouette around her pale face. Her figure smudged in the centre of the cold room. Drop. Drop. Vicious droplets of icy tears, concave on the stone cement. An avalanche of impacting sounds, tumble.

Then a movement in the mix of the stillness. A break. Feet clapping the ground, slamming at each step. She then stands motionless. She curls her hand around her bag, heaving it from the unkind hook. Then feet begin pattering again. Louder, stronger. Shoving the school gate behind her, she stares viciously back at the deathly place she dreads the most.

The shrieking memory still blazes in her mind. One step. Two step. And she tumbles in a heap. Curled in a ball under the oak tree, outside her lively home. Tears begin to stream again. This time falling with the rain. Forcing herself to stand, she makes her way to her baby blue window frame. Staring through the glass in the middle, she sees her best friend sitting there, on her bed. She missed him today, a lot! To her, he always knows what to say, and how to comfort her. Placing her hand the window she looks even more closely at her furry friend. His plump little arms and legs sprawled in a position ready to hug. His perfectly soft, brown eyes staring straight ahead. His cute button nose and curved, furry ears ly perfectly. “Oh George! Where were you when I needed you the most?”


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