Penny Here Penny There | Teen Ink

Penny Here Penny There

February 27, 2014
By Ruggero Calamai BRONZE, Addis Ababa, Other
Ruggero Calamai BRONZE, Addis Ababa, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I never sleep, I have no feelings, but I make the world work. Everyday I get exchanged, thrown, locked up, spent... But I am always needed by everyone. This morning was very tiring. I was piled with many others of my kind and put in a pocket by some old man, who then walked to a store where he bought a newspaper by exchanging me for that enormous piece of paper.

The second man accidentally dropped me as he was walking on the pathway next to the road. After five minutes of desperate waiting, I was picked up by a homeless man who used me to buy some cigarettes. I am back where I started in a small store that sells newspapers and cigarettes. Three very boring hours go by, but a man comes and asks for change. So I am swapped for some big bucks and I am now in the pocket of a well dressed middle-aged man. He is moving very fast and I have no idea of what my fate is going to be. He stops after two hours and throws me in a pond.

Is this some kind of a joke. I can't believe that I am going to spend the rest of my life in a pond. But I spoke too soon because just after 7pm three young kids come pick me and all my fellow peers from the pond.

The author's comments:
A normal day in the life of a coin

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