Entertainment, Fame, Money | Teen Ink

Entertainment, Fame, Money

March 11, 2014
By Purlfluff GOLD, Colfax, California
Purlfluff GOLD, Colfax, California
17 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
When you&#039;re drowning, you don&#039;t say &#039;I would be incredibly pleased if someone would have the foresight to notice me drowning and come and help me,&#039; you just scream.<br /> -John Lennon

The aggression, the violence, the sound of a punch connecting, animosity and the anger; the devotion, the passion of two men vigorously fighting in a ring. Ricardo loved this; he put his cigarette directly in his can, barely farthing with beer. This process existed for the mere matter so that his spouse would not gain attention of his smoking. Ricardo then heaved his bear can across the room, and landed it in the corner, he then started the cycle again, by lighting a cigarette and cracking open a beer.
Ricardo was now focussed fully on the TV, it was Trenton Sharp taking on Dirk Bohem. Another thing under Ricardo’s belt of many addictions was that he was a gambling addict, he loved the hobby, it was all about winning, once you one something that the odds were against you, you felt like the smartest man in the entire world. Ever since that happened, Ricardo had to duplicate it. Ricardo bet with a couple of his friends, he bet on Dirk.
The boxing match was getting exciting now, it looked like Dirk was going to lose in the beginning, but now Dirk got Trento in a corner and now he it has become a shellacking for Trenton. Ricardo put out his cigarette and gave his full attention to the 12’ by 12’ TV in front of him.

Will was fired up, he loved competitions like this, ones that would fluctuate, especially with blood all over the floor. All he has to say was,

“ Look’s like sharp is in a rough spot. Will he be able to get out of this, or will he lose tonight.” The crowd would eat it up like a bunch of starving african children. Will would want to be anywhere but here in ten years, Will would want to be a host of a major TV show, and this was only supposed to be a stepping stone. Will was bigger and better than this. This was only an intervention between will and college. Will does not care who wins or loses, all he cares about is whether he wins or loses.

That crowd was a pallete of people so Will would have to be generalized in his quotes about how much Trenton sucks. Trenton does suck, they all suck, everyone here is an idiot so Will enjoys it when they fight, like brutes. Will could care less about them; they thought that they were better than Will, just because they only reason he had a job was because of them. They are idiots though, they have no idea how many brain cells they are losing, anyway, their career ends as soon as they reach forty. Anyways after Will gets past this rough patch, people will know who Will is.

Gil looked at his 47’ flat screen TV, a good thrashing means surplus ratings. The more ratings the more dough. People have no Idea how much it costs to run an organization like this. Too much. Losing money was the worst.

Dirk is doing great! The fans loved Dirk, he was not the biggest or most attractive boxer there, but he could fight. His intelligence is really low though. The fans like him because he relates to them the most, in more ways that they would know. Trenton on the other hand, was not a moneymaker, he would need to be fired, he is thirty-six now, and that is just too old.

The favorite thing about Gil’s life was probably the fact that there were thousands of people, whose life was devoted just to boxing, and nothing else mattered, people who would rather starve than miss five minutes of this boxing. These were the worst type of people, the type of people who have nothing else good in their life, so they watch boxing. What is really puzzling is that some of the people actually feel sorry for the boxers, who they should feel sorry for is themselves, the boxers have a bigger life outside of boxing than these people.


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