Marriage | Teen Ink


May 2, 2014
By Anonymous

Childhood will be the most auspicious phase in everyone’s life. At that moment, children will be enjoying themselves, laughing, playing and gurgling. They do not have any worries and hopes. They do not need to be worried about the world which is full of competition, backstabbing, cheating and many more. If all of us is given a wish, I’m sure we’ll wish to go back to our childhood.

I am a girl form a typical Rajasthan family. I came from a small village, Jhilay in Rajasthan. According to Rajasthan’s culture, we are forced to marry at very young age. I’m the only child of my parents. Furthermore, my parents and I lived in poverty. Therefore my parents decided to arrange for my marriage when I was hardly 5 years old. I was married to a boy who origins from a rich family. We were married at the age of 5.

After being married, I was not given any opportunity to continue my studies. I was having a keen interest in acquiring knowledge and my ambition is to be a teacher, but all that was just a day-dream. My husband is the only one who got the chance to continue his studies. I was forced to do all the house chores since young. I was not allowed to go out of the house without my father-in-law’s knowledge.

I was not allowed to play or meet with my friends. I was not allowed to meet my parents too. My husband also refused to teach me anything that he acquired from school with an excuse I’ll not understand it. There was no one to listen to all my laments and feelings. I felt like I was in hell.

Days and years passed, we turned 18 yet everything was still the same. My husband scored excellent in his public exams so he got a chance to continue his tertiary level of studies in New Delhi. He was given a full scholarship to study medicine.

Once, I went to his university without his knowledge with his cousin, Shetal. He was jumped in a shock state to see me there. He refused to introduce me as his wife because he felt embarrassed as I was uneducated and I did not have any proficiency in speaking or writing in English.

That incident hurts me. At that moment I decided no matter what happens I need to continue my studies. My father-in-law was against my decision. According to him a married women is not allowed to continue her studies it is against our culture.

Thus, I decided to seek my mother-in-law’s help because she was intend to continue her studies but no chance is given. I tried to explain to her the importance of me continuing my studies because I am a future doctor’s wife and if I’m uneducated it will make my husband embarrassed in front of his friends and the society. My mother-in-law promised to help me by convincing my father-in-law.

Eventually, she managed to convince him. I got my freedom to continue my studies. I was tremendously overwhelmed, yet there was a bit of dissatisfaction because my classmates were much younger than me and most of them were boys.

One day, I got a call from my husband, he seemed that he had finished his M.B.B.S. and he got to continue M.D. We were so happy to listen to the news because he was to be the first doctor from our village. Yet, he said that he was forced to working in city. However, I knew it was just a lie because he hated his village, the villagers and the culture.

My parents-in-law were very sad to hear that but I tried to console them. After a few days, it was time for me to sit for public exam. I did my best in the exam as I wanted to show my husband that I can do it.

After a few months, I received my results, I excelled in it. I got a scholarship in a local university to continue my studies. As I had a keen interest in helping and teaching others so I took up the social science and teacher training courses.

Few years passed, one day, I got a sudden call from my mother-in-law, she asked me to come back home immediately. I was puzzled why she wanted me back home immediately, so I decided to prepare for the worse. When I returned home, I was jumped in shock to see that my husband had married another woman!

After that incident, I decided to move out from my husband’s house and went back to my parents’ home. Although I was deeply affected by that incident, I did not give up.

From that day onwards, I decided to create awareness among people all around the world of the disadvantages of early marriage among girls and I fought for equal rights! I started to create the awareness from my village and now I’m travelling all around the world.

In creating awareness among people around the different parts of the world, the language plays an crucial role. As we know English is the one and only language spoken nationwide and it is International language. English language helps me a lot to convey messages to others and it is simply perfect.

I will continue my journey to create awareness among people all around the world and enjoy exploring the beauty of English. I would like to insist here “English is a winner” and would like to thank founders the language!!!

I am happy with my new world and may my ex-husband be blessed with his new found happiness. No regrets for now or ever!!!

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