Two Angry Sisters | Teen Ink

Two Angry Sisters

May 16, 2014
By Rachel0945 GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
Rachel0945 GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

They only know what they saw. I am the only one who knows what happened. Two angry sisters pointing fingers at me. Two who don't know what happened. Two angry sisters who want me in trouble. In my head I can hear them, but my words won't come out, and can't tell them what happened.

Their lie is my secret. They tell their false story. They grow more comfortable and grow more angry at me, and tell me to play along. This is how they get back at me.

Let me forget what to say, and have their glaring eyes upon me. Lie,Lie, Lie, my sisters say as I sleep. They threaten.

When I am too tired and too weak to keep their secret , When I am tiny against all these lies, I look at my angry sisters. When there are no more lies to tell for my sisters. Two angry sisters who don't know. Two who know only know what they saw. Two whose only job is to get me in trouble.

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