Empty Soul Living | Teen Ink

Empty Soul Living

October 13, 2014
By ShatteringDerp SILVER, Fulton, Texas
ShatteringDerp SILVER, Fulton, Texas
7 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"There's absolutely no one in the world that can tell you can't do something. You're the only person that can set that limitation." -Andrew Dennis Biersack

There has been rumors about a mysterious girl walking around with a mask on and such thick cold air following her. They say the mask seem to be hiding any emotions that the girl has. The only feeling that they have been awared is emptiness.


One old wise man described her as a soul that has been betrayed many times. The multiple betrayals lad the soul to be empty and be stuck in an abyss.


Another one says the soul is also filled with anger and hatred to where it could be shown through the atmosphere surronding her. A reason why no one wants to approach her at all.


The next day, the girl is to been seen sitting on a bench alone. No one there to bother the soul...until one young man came up to her. "Let me help you recover." he told her before he removed the mask. Once her face was revealed, the young man saw that she was crying then embrace her in his arms as she cries out her emotions.

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