The Hula Girl Keychain | Teen Ink

The Hula Girl Keychain

October 29, 2014
By Isabela Fernandez BRONZE, Santa Catarina, Other
Isabela Fernandez BRONZE, Santa Catarina, Other
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A call, a mysterious call that brought me to the police office. Want to know why? Because of a crime scene. The call was because they needed to know who robbed the National Bank. I think that is stupid, isn’t it? Because who would rob a place knowing that is full of cameras. I had that question going on while I was driving to the police office. Well, in fact he or she broke the wires leaving no evidence, so that was pretty clever. I went into the glass bullet proof doors and there was Officer Jones sitting there on a table.

“Katie can you do me a favor?”asked officer Jones.
“What favor?” I replied.
“A really important one, remember that I told that they robbed the bank, well we need to find out who did it because he or she has made a pretty good job leaving no trace.” He said.

“Yes, I already called officer Smith at the crime scene and he told me that the wires of the cameras were cut before the robbery Sir, we don’t have any clues we will need to close the bank and take a few days to figure it out.”I answered frustrated.

“Thank you Katie I’ll drop you off at the bank again maybe you can figure something out.” Officer Jones told me with confidence. I kept thinking all the past crimes we were not able to figure out who did them. I kept thinking of the clues they left me and I could not think of a pattern.

I got in the broken door, the alarm was still going, I stopped it. Money flying all over the air like if the money was free. I was searching for clues and I saw a keychain of a hula-girl on the side of the safety lock, right beside it. I grabbed the keychain and I put it on my pocket I wrote it in my pad, I was starting to figure it out for once. I realized that, somewhere I had seen this keychain before, but I don’t remember where, but I was sure I had saw it before. I decided to collect more clues and information so I started looking around, I saw footprints that were of a man’s shoe, the kind used for gardening or construccion that were approximately size 9. I tried to look for more information but there was nothing else left. So for now I know that the robber could be a man. Is that enough information? Who am I kidding I have nothing, half of the population are men I thought. It was getting dark, I saw my watch it was 6:45 it was time for dinner, my uncle was waiting for me at home.

My parents died since I was 2 years old, since then my uncle Joey has raised me. He told me that my parents died at a car accident. I have very few memories of my parents only some flashes of their faces. I am grateful that my uncle was there to support me. I was driving home in the dark night on my white Volkswagen Beetle, thinking how to put all those puzzle pieces together. I stopped at a red light and I stared at an old shack far from the road, that old shack took me to a vision. I was standing on a very dark and cold closet, I was hiding on the corner of the closet with all the clothes covering me. I was afraid, there were screams, I did not know what to do, I was getting dizzy from the smell of the dusty clothes, I was afraid to look what was happening. Suddenly all the beeping from the cars in the back brought me back to the present, the light was green. I continued driving home, I parked in the driveway and I looked to the right and I saw my uncle through the window, sitting on the dinner table waiting for me, so I hurried up.

We had dinner like always at 7:00 sharp and we ate spaghetti and meatballs. He asked me how was my day, he does not know that I am a detective so I told him just a normal day at the office. I asked him too, he told me that his day had been good too. We finished dinner and I was so tired I decided to call it a day and went to my room.  What a day  I thought shoving all my things under my bed so my uncle won’t see them. I decided to take a hot shower before going to bed. While I was showering, the hot water was running  and the water vapor filled the bathroom. I was getting very relaxed and suddenly I had this vision again, but this time it was a little bit more clear I was standing in the closet behind the clothes and  I could see there was a man walking by, but I could only see him from the waist down. I heard a jingle of keys, I could see the hula girl keychain hanging out  from one of his pants pockets. I froze I wanted to see who this man was, but my vision started to get blurry and a knock at the door took me to the real life. It was my uncle knocking.

“Katie, Are you ok?”
“Yes I am fine, just taking a shower”I answered with a nervous voice.
“ I just came to say sweet dreams” he said.
“Oh, sweet dreams too.” I replied.

I went out of the shower, put on my P.J’s and went to bed. I could not stop thinking about the robbery, but I was so tired I couldn’t figure anything out. Could my vision had something to do with the robbery? Is that why this keychain looked so familiar? I decided to sleep and start again fresh tomorrow. I cuddle up in my pillow and went to sleep. I started dreaming, I was in the cold closet again. I was terrified I wanted to see the man, if I saw his face I would know who the robber was.

I peaked more and I could see the man completely but just from the back. He was bald and he was wearing a black jacket. I couldn’t see his face. Just when he was about to turn towards me a loud beeping woke me up. It was the alarm clock, already 6 AM  and I felt so tired still, as if I had not slept at all. I went down to the kitchen for breakfast my uncle was already eating breakfast. I saw him from the back and it was the same picture I had in my dream I started to panic.

“Why are you here so early?” he asked.
“I have a lot of work to do at the office.”  I said nervously.

  I ate my breakfast really quickly and he kept asking me if I was ok. I reassure him that I was fine, but I don’t think he believed me. I could not hide my panic, my hands were shaking and I had a hard time swallowing my breakfast. I was starting to get dizzy I felt like throwing up. I could not believe that my uncle could be the robber, just the thought of it made me sick. I was sleeping with the enemy. But then again, many people can own this type of hula girl keychain and this fact alone could not prove he was the robber. But it made me suspicious. I went for my car keys very quickly and said good bye.

When I asked my uncle about my parents he always got nervous and told me that they had died in a car accident, but that was all he ever said. I started to think that my uncle could be the robber and that he could be hiding something else. I didn’t trust him anymore. I needed answers and I was determined to find them. I went to the local library and looked at the newspapers from the date of my parents death. But there was nothing, not a trace of a car accident anywhere near. This made me more suspicious, so I went to all the hospitals to look for records of their death and there were none. Like if there death was never recorded. I sat down in a bench totally in disbelief of what was happening. Suddenly I had the vision again, this time it felt very real. I was hiding in the cold closet behind some clothes, this time I could recognize the clothes there were my parents. The noises were louder and the screams got me horrified, this time I could see the man’s face,I was about to discover the unbearable truth, it was the worst nightmare. Only it wasn’t a nightmare, it was my uncle and he was standing beside my mom and dad, they were dead. He killed my mom and dad! All my memories that were kept hidden from my consciousness for many years came back very clearly, as if they happen yesterday. But I had to prove it.

I decided to return home hoping not to find my uncle there. From the distance I saw his car still in the driveway and I waited until he left. As soon as I saw his car leave the driveway, I went inside the house and run to my room and got the hula girl keychain from the crime scene and tried to figure out from which room were the keys. I tried in several doors of the rooms in the house and none of them fit. I had to find proof of his terrible crimes somewhere inside the house. I remembered the attic. My uncle had never let me get in the attic and he kept it always locked. I ran to the attic and one of the keys opened the lock. I was afraid to go in and to discover that everything I was suspicious about was true. I left my fear back and entered. The room was filled with photographs of me and my parents and there were account statements and a journal. In the journal he describe all his plan and the motive for killing my parents and all the times he wanted to kill me too but didn’t have the courage to do it. It was all for money, apparently my father runned a very successful company and my uncle was jealous of him. Also because he had a very beautiful wife.

I decided to take all this proof to the police station. I went out of the attic with everything on my purse and I locked the attic again. As I was going down the attic stairs my uncle came in the house from the main door. I shocked.
“What are you doing here uncle Joey?”I asked almost out of breath.

“Oh, I forgot something I came back to pick it up.”He said.
“Oh, ok I have to get back to the office again” I told him.
“Why do you sound funny? Are you ok? Darling what happened?” He was asking  a bunch of questions I did not know what to answer until I said.

“I am fine just a little sick.” I said trying to sound cool. I think he suspected something was not right. I hurried to my car and he kept looking to me I waved bye trying to act normal. I went as Speedy Gonzales to the police station, ran down the aisle and took out the hula girl keys, the journal and all the photographs and explained the whole story. The police said, said in the radio,

“Bandit 5467 Main Street GO GO GO.” Down the aisle 10 policemen runned to their patrols heading to my uncles house. Officer Jones took me in his patrol. When we got home they already had my uncle and he was confessing everything. He looked at me with a face, I will never forget. But forget is what I had to do. It was time for me to forgive and move on with my life.

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