Dodge ball with style | Teen Ink

Dodge ball with style

January 6, 2015
By KingMarcusII BRONZE, El Cajon, California
KingMarcusII BRONZE, El Cajon, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Everything i do is my first name! Why?

????Dodge ball with style????
It all started one very good day when they were playing in the national dodge ball tournament. The ones who stood out for their city were Michael, Tyrone and Shaniqua. Those who came before had come from another city to beat this tournament and all others. Michael’s team called themselves dodgeball with style. This new team apposing them were the mental Giants who stood 6 foot.
They swept through all the teams and beat them with ease. They finally got to the last game where had to beat this new team the three of them were the best around. Micheal and his team start warming up.
“Are you ready team because I am.” Said Michael
“Yea what ever it's not like we're going to loose” said Shaniqua.
“Well whatever just keep your joy up marry they'll be tuff this year.”
“I've been thinking. What if we lose, they win and take our championship. Ooh that would be critical against us you think” said Tyrone.
“Man you bluffing like we gonna lose. 13 years in row with no lose and lose now! I don't think so. Well were about to start so let's go.” said Michael.
They swiftly ran into the dodgeball arena. The entrance of the other team was greeted by fire and fireworks walking into the stage and a song to go along with it. Joe was there captain and all time leader, but he was not the best of his team.
“your going down losers prepare to feel my wrath” Joe said
“I don't think so” Michael
At the shot of a gun, the game started. Balls were flying through the air. They managed to get two of the out. The intense conflict made it exciting. Michael had great strength and threw balls at tense speed and power. One guy tried getting Michael out and he fought it with one had striking the fear in the guys eye. And for fun he threw it back at him splish splashing threw the deep air making a air spiral around the ball and sent the guy flying and the wall knocked out cold on the ground. And them it was still them 3 against Joe, the only one left on his team
“Maybe you're not so bad after all, but the three of you will lose.” Joe said.
“Hahahahahahahahahaha! We won't lose. Not to you at least. It's only one of you and 3 of us” said Michael.
“Wrong, now watch the power of a legend.”
Shaniqua used an aimed precision shot at Joe. Joe caught it.
“Ah man i'm out” Shaniqua said.
“No” Michael said.
“Just play without me you'll still do good.”
Michelle nodded his head and prepared himself for a final battle. Joe was throwing a barrage of balls at them. Some would come swift and others coming curved. Tyrone was dodging easy peasy as his agility and speed were far greater than most. Michael struggled with dodging the balls. It was the last minute before Michael got hit all up in his face he thought and said “BEHIND!”
Michael was out and it was only Joe, and Tyrone left in a final showdown. War broke out amounts the two for one shall be victorious and one lose. The final showdown begun. Balls were flying out in the air, but there wasn't anything that Tyrone couldn't dodge. Tyrone head was of he had forgotten Michael’s last words. Balls would fly near his head and he would grab some and throw them back. Michael had remembered what the key was if throwing balls in front of him didn't work. It was to throw of the wall and hit behind him. Michael had a perfect plan. What Michelle did was he threw one up one at him and one at the wall. Joe dodged the two coming at. Him but was hit in a the back of the head and got out. Joe fell down his knees with head down. Tyrone walked up to him
“Kneel to the chief” Michael exclaimed.
“No!Noooooooo! How could I lose to some some like you. Commoners of the natural world. No I will not loose” Joe said
Joe punched Tyrone in the face and ran to grab the trophy. Before he could get all the way there Tyrone got back up and grabbed a ball to throw at him. Along side him were his buddies who all threw a ball hitting Joe in his back knocking him out cold on the floor.
The music started playing the song “We are the champions” and the trophy was give to the great team who won.

The End

About the author
The author of this story is a cool talented person. He likes to hang out with his friends and play on his xbox 360(King MarcusII add him). His favorite subjects are Math, English, PE, and Social studies. His favorite food is fried chicken, watermelon and tacos. His favorite type of music is hip hop and yet knows no rock type band, artist or song. His birthday is Jan 6 and is currently 13. This is our amazing Author Marcus M. Hyde II

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