Saving Josse | Teen Ink

Saving Josse

February 9, 2015
By Jennifer chavez BRONZE, Arlington, Texas
Jennifer chavez BRONZE, Arlington, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Saving Jose
“Hurry Pablo, run, run, run as fast as you can she’s going to get us run faster.” Jose shouted to me. We ran as fast as we could as we heard a lady crying in the night over by the woods. We had been all night by the river throwing rocks into the river we didn’t really believe the story of la a Llorona”, “the weeping woman”. I didn’t believe anything about those lies because she was dead, what could she do to us. But this time was different I heard the cries of the women and the loud screams as she cried “ay mis hijos”, I started to think that she was real now. Even though we ran as fast as we could she had finally caught my cousin Jose. He screamed to me “Pablo help don’t let me alone”. I tried helping but unfortunately La Llorona had faded with Jose through the woods and I wasn’t able to do anything for him. Jose had been caught by La Llorona. I started to shout his name through the woods but I heard no replies, only the silence of the woods was there. What could I do now, it was really dark to be able to find Jose. The next day in the morning I went back to my house I told my aunt that my cousin Jose had been caught by la llorona she did not believe me at all. She said to me, “Pablo there is no such thing as La llorona he probably wondered of to his friend’s house”. She did not believe me at all, she told me that Jose was probably with his friends that she could never give him permission for anything because he always would go somewhere else, and that Jose just took advantage of the freedom she gave him. Since my aunt did not want to believe me I had to do something because if I went to the police they would probably not believe me at all just like my aunt. So I planned it all I decided to go again today at night into the woods so the llorona would come and I could track where she would go. So the night came and at the farthest view I saw a light down the woods it kind of looked like a cabin. I didn’t care what happened I just needed to find my cousin Jose Even if I had to fight la llorona. I turned on my phone and used it like a flashlight after, a long walk into the woods I had finally got to the cabin and saw that young boy was in there but the llorona was not there it was a man and a woman. I asked myself what is that women and man doing with my cousin tied up? I looked at their faces they were the number one kidnappers of the state they kidnapped kids and later on they called their families telling them to pay up money if they wanted to see their child. I knew there was no such thing as la llorona I started to realize that they did the llorona thing so people would not recognize the women. I needed to do something but what? I wanted to call the police but I had to do something first because if I called the police they would take a long time to get into the woods. The man and the women got out the cabin to smoke a cigarette I sneaked in through the other door, I was going to start to untie Jose but they caught me trying to untie him I quickly dialed 911. They said to each other aye he is the other kid that escaped from us. I couldn’t do anything both doors were locked we were trapped now I wasn’t able to untie Jose. But then I heard the sirens the cops shouted, “Jane and Tom get out the cabin and put your hands up” they put both of them in the police car and they quickly untied Jose. The cop told me, “you were really brave to do it yourself son but you should have called us first you were dealing with the number one kidnappers wanted in the state”. But at last I was able to save Jose from the kidnappers.

The author's comments:

What inspired me was that la llorona is not really brought up much, so i deccided to make a realistic story that could happen in life kind of making the character wanting to know what is going to happen later on.

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