School | Teen Ink


March 5, 2015
By Kaley Littlejohn BRONZE, Kings Mountain, North Carolina
Kaley Littlejohn BRONZE, Kings Mountain, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I really like going to school sometimes to see my friends basically. School can be kind of boring  some days and really go by slow. But i like that we have smart lunch and I get to enjoy it. I wish that we could carry our book bags around the school and play music while we are in class. I guess we shouldn’t do that because some kids might take that for advantage and not listen or pay attention in class. Other than that school is going great for me ! I don’t know about the others. I love playing sports here plus i made the basketball team this year! and i’m looking foward being on the team next year. Kings Mountain a very good school gives you opportunities and things to bring up your grades and try to become a better student. I only lived in Kings Mountain for 3 years now and my mom tried to get me to move schools but i didn’t want to. Because i will miss all my friends that i made. Other than that i’m enjoying living in Kings Mountain and playing sports for the school.

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