Help Her | Teen Ink

Help Her

April 8, 2015
By HeartAfterYou SILVER, West Valley, New York
HeartAfterYou SILVER, West Valley, New York
5 articles 3 photos 0 comments

White walls surrounded her. I stood in her presence as she danced completely unaware of me. Her sundress expanded like a flower in bloom as she twirled herself around to the peaceful melody. As she moved in circles, her hair seemed to be chasing her to catch up to the rest of her body. The music stopped abruptly and so did she. I was then the center of her attention. She looked confused--as if I turned off the music. Darkness swelled like spilled ink from the door at my back and encapsulated the little girl's appearance.

It was dark as hell but coming up behind her I saw dirt encrusted on the hands and embedded uner the fingernails. I tried moving--but I was paralyzed. Screaming was my next option but words could not escape. They were now gripping her shoulders. Screams from the little girl were escaping her lungs and bouncing off the white walls--filling the white room. My brain was commanding me to move while my body was being rebellious. Laughter overpowered her screams. Someone else started laughing. They enjoyed the nightmare that was being caused. Louder and louder the screams grew. Then they stopped all together.

The lights were back on and I couldn't wait to see if the mystery girl was okay--but she was gone--and I finally awoke witht the realization that I had to do something. This could not come true like past occurances.

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