White Knuckles | Teen Ink

White Knuckles

April 14, 2015
By Anonymous

I can hardly remember seeing her with him
Talking, laughing, an all too friendly hug
While I sat in my car across the store’s lot
With white knuckles on the steering wheel
An anxiously bouncing foot, a clenched jaw

I can hardly remember the drive home
Car horns directed towards my recklessness
As speed limits were completely disregarded
And my beaten-up sedan wove through traffic
Then tore past each red light and stop sign

I can hardly remember my trembling hands
When she opened the door with a smile
That was quickly lost at the sight of me
And her uneasy voice asking what was wrong
Before I threw her across the room

But I will not forget the look she gave
Her jaw hanging open, her quivering lip
A staggered gaze fixed upon me-through me
As tears began to pool in her eyes,
Maybe now she’s learned her lesson.

The author's comments:

Although I've never been in a physically abusive relationship, I've been in a relationship where I felt emotionally attacked all the time, and I wanted to incorporate this in my writing.

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