The Power | Teen Ink

The Power

May 7, 2015
By jake_wells BRONZE, Prairie Du Sac, Wisconsin
jake_wells BRONZE, Prairie Du Sac, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

                                      The Power

Jim was relaxing in his room chatting with his friends on his phone just like normal. His dad was at work, and his mother was downstairs washing the dishes. Everything was going just right that day...until it happened. At first, the lights flickered, and then went completely out. He heard a terrifying scream from downstairs. He thought it was most likely his mother. Carefully, Jim searched his room for his flashlight. He didn't know where it was, but eventually he found it in one of his dresser drawers. He turned it on, and it immediately brightened up the room. Jim opened his door and headed downstairs. When he was going downstairs, he noticed that the back door was wide open. He remembered his mother screaming and his stomach dropped.
Carefully, he peeked out of the doorway looking for his mom. Jim headed to his left to search for her. As he was searching, a hand grabbed his shoulder. He screamed and fell to the ground. Quickly looking up, he saw that it was just his mom. He stood up and gave her a huge hug. She told him that she went outside to look for the power box to see if she could get the power back on. They hurried back inside and saw that their house was still completely black. As they went back in the house to just wait for the power to turn back on, they saw a horrifying sight. The front door was wide open. They exchanged a look. Neither of them had left the door open. All of a sudden they started to hear a thump.
It sounded like someone was going down into the basement. Jim’s mother searched for her keys all around the counter. After she finally found them, she told Jim to get in her car. She informed him that they were going to stay at a hotel for the rest of the night. She said they would come back when it was day time.
The next day they returned home, and the two of them crept into their house. They decided that they needed to see where the noise was coming from in the creepy basement. One step at a time they carefully went down. Jim was ahead of his mother and was almost to the bottom of the stairs. Jim saw that his father was laying on the couch. When his dad saw him, he asked Jim where he was last night. Jim’s dad informed him that he got to leave early and came home last night. He saw the power was out and he couldn't find them, so he went into the basement. He told them he was waiting for them to get back.  Jim and his mother told his father what happened. After that, they all relaxed on the couch after a long and stressful night. Just as they sat down, the power came on.

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