Changed Girl | Teen Ink

Changed Girl

April 26, 2015
By multiplicatively BRONZE, Houston, Texas
multiplicatively BRONZE, Houston, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Allison looked at the mirror and stared at her long hair, rosy cheeks, and legs that any girl would die for. Allison didn’t want to deny her feelings, she hated her body. Allison always felt like she didn’t fit in, whether the topic being makeup, boys, or any sorts for girly stuff. Allison was tired of being a perfect girl. She was born in the wrong body.

With trembling hands, Allison reached for the sharp scissors at the bedside table. She measured just before her ears and started to snip. Her silky long black hair covered the floor, but she continued on. As the last collection of hair dropped to the ground, she grabbed the gel and smoothed her jagged hair into a popular style many boys had. She dashed in the bathroom and scoured the cabinets, searching for a roll of bandages. She wrapped it around her chest, layer after layer. Allison grabbed a change of clothes and studied herself in the mirror. It was time to show her parents.

Allison walked down the stairs and analyzed what her parents were doing. Her mom was reading and her dad was watching a soccer game. “Mom, Dad,” Allison started, “I want you to call me Josh now.” Allison’s mother looked up at her, shocked at the sudden change. Soon, the shock transformed into fury and the mother frantically called for the father who was infused into the soccer game. He spared a quick glance at ‘Josh’ and turned as red as a ripened tomato. The furious father stood up and started shouting insults at the changed girl. He picked up one of many empty beer bottles on the coffee table and started throwing them everywhere. “YOU B****” “WHAT KIND OF DAUGHTER ARE YOU?” Tears slid down Josh’s cheeks as the insults came again and again. Josh dashed up the stairs and leaned beside his bed, raking the smooth gelled hair that was cut short. Josh took some deep breaths in attempt to calm himself. He needed to escape.

Josh grabbed his phone and some earbuds, sneakily climbing out the window with the vines. He played some piano music and viewed the scenery around him. Josh noticed that he was headed towards the park and wandered aimlessly to the swings. He sat down and swung his feel lightly, barely touching the ground. Footsteps tapped lightly on the ground and Josh looked up from his shoes to find a blue-eyed beauty. “Is this seat taken?” she timidly asked, pointing to the swing set beside him. Josh shook his head and beamed at her. “Do you see an angel right there or is that just you?” Josh chuckled at his profound pick up line and looked left to see her blushing. “Err..,” She said nervously, “I’m sort of transgender so I’m really a guy.” Josh stared at her, shocked at the amazing coincidence. “I’m transgender too, I’m really a girl!” Josh and the mysterious girl chuckled at their little confusion.  After a while of sitting in silence and enjoying the sunset, they exchanged numbers and departed the park. Although Josh’s parents would not approve of his change, Josh was happy because of a certain beautiful girl.


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