Assassination of Mr. Fluffy Wuffy Pants | Teen Ink

Assassination of Mr. Fluffy Wuffy Pants

June 4, 2015
By Elias Werner BRONZE, Hillsborough, North Carolina
Elias Werner BRONZE, Hillsborough, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was cold winter night when there was a knock on Mr. Fluffy Wuffy Pants' door. As he walked across his bridge going through the middle of the house over the Narwhal tank(he got after he made his first billion dollars), he got to the front door of the house and opened it, but he didn’t see anyone. Silently a shadow moved by the gigantic window over the door.   The intruder dropped a stun grenade but it bounced off the bridge and landed on the glass over the tank. The grenade blew up with a deafening sound and a cloud of smoke, shattering the glass. The intruder dropped to the bridge and slashed through the smoke but missed his target, but he was then able to kick Mr. Fluffy Wuffy Pants back. Mr. Fluffy Wuffy Pants staggered back towards the door, then grabbed a gun from under the table by the door. He fired, but missed. The intruder knew he couldn’t attack with the the knife. But then he saw his chance. One of the narwhals was about to swim right under them. The killer dropped the knife and slowly took out a taser and made as if to lower it.  But then he quickly shot the narwhal in the side. The killer had timed it perfectly.  The shocked narwhal leapt out of the water and impaled Mr. Fluffy Wuffy Pants with the spear like tooth on it’s face. The tooth hit perfectly, it went straight through the heart and a lung and out the other side. The force of the Narwhal strike pushed Mr. FWP over the edge and down into the water. As the water filled with blood, the killer left.

As Tim stepped out of the police car. His boots crunched along the old hard snow. He noticed  there were already thousands of foot prints.

“Hey Tim, glad to see you on the case.” Said Mr. Jackson
(Mr. Jackson was a police inspector.)

“Has anyone checked out these footprints leading to the window,” Tim asked?
“Eer-no”, responded Mr. Jackson.
Tim followed the trail. He found the last footprint. As he bent down to inspect it, he noticed it size. It looked a little bit too big to be one of the police officer boots.
Tim: Find who produced that boot and who owns one.
Tim noticed a window was open on the second floor.
“Who opened that?” he asked.
“I don’t know, we didn’t.” Mr. Jackson replied.

    “Then if that’s where they got in, the killer was professional.  It would be almost impossible to climb up to that window in this weather. No one else would go through the trouble of doing that?” asked Tim.

Mr. Jackson replied, “OK, so what now-”
Tim didn’t answer.  He was already climbing up the wall to get to the window. He climbed in the window. As he stepped in, he found water puddles on the floor. They were barely there. Tim suspected they were from the snow on the killers boots that had gotten heated up from the house and melted. He noticed they lead to a balcony that was over the door. It was a long but possible jump down to the bridge. Just then Mr. Jackson came up the stairs.
Tim looked out the window: “The killer had an object attached to a string of some sort. He open this window and swung the object at the door making a knocking noise.” Said Tim.

The dents in the door were made from the object. Let’s see if the crime lab can figure out how hard the object had to be swung and what was it. Said Tim
“The killer was inside when he knocked, so he would have seen Mr. Fluffy Wuffy Pants coming. I wonder why he didn’t  set up a trip wire attached to a bomb or just shoot him.”
“Maybe he threw a grenade?” Mr. Jackson guessed.

“Not a real one.  It shattered the glass but didn’t really cause any other damage. The killer could have set up a lethal bomb but didn’t.  Why not?” Asked Tim.
Mr. Jackson replied with, “Maybe because he wanted to kill him up close, maybe a revenge act”.

“Yes, a stun grenade was used to make Mr. FWP vulnerable but, something else happened. The killer dropped the grenade, then the grenade went off.” Said Tim.

“Then Mr. FWP came rushing over.” Mr. Jackson commented.

“Look at the pattern of those scuff marks on the bridge. The killer was off balance there, maybe he tried to use a knife. When he thought he saw Mr. FWP he swung, Maybe he missed. There’s a gap in the footsteps here, maybe our killer kicked Mr. Fluffy Wuffy Pants. But that is the wrong direction, Mr. Fluffy wuffy pants didn’t fall into the water, he would have been pushed to there.” Guessed Tim.
“There’s hole in the wall over there from a gunshot.  We think it was from Mr Fluffy Wuffy Pants’ gun” Said Mr. Jackson.
Tim paused, thinking“It was a desperate attack then, after he knew he was more vulnerable after he swung the knife but missed so he kicked him back. Mr. FWP grabbed a gun and pointed it at the killer. The Killer would have known he didn’t have a chance with a knife, so he lowered the knife. As a sign of surrender he may have  dropped all his weapons.” Said Tim.
Tim looked at the red water below.
“But how did he manage to kill Mr. FWP?  What is  in the tank?” asked Tim.

“Narwhals.” Replied Mr. Jackson.

“Yes, I see it was pure genius. Our killer saw the Narwhal coming under the bridge going directly under Mr. FWP. Somehow he made it jump out of the water to knock Mr. FWP into the water.   That water over there is the splash from the whale after it jumped here.” Said Tim.

“Who found the body?” Asked Tim.

“His wife got home at around 7:30 pm and found this area a wreck and blood in the water. Mr. FWP was dead in the tank.” Answered Janet.

“Where is the body now?” Asked Tim

“It’s being examined, we should probably head back to the department.” Replied Janet.

They left and got to the police department in about 45 min. As they arrived, they were informed that the body was really killed by the narwhal, they also got  a picture on Mr. Jackson’s phone of a knife other officers had found in the tank.

“ That’s a knife that special ops people used.” Said Mr. Jackson.

“Yes, but why would they attack someone out of revenge.” Said Janet

“Mr. FWP was a great person, no one would want to kill him, the only thing I could think of why, is because he stole someone’s invention, the one he used to make billions.” Guessed Mr. Jackson.

“what was the invention?” Asked Tim.

“It was the suit that the army uses for soldiers to make the stronger. They cost $200,000 each.” Mr. Jackson informed them.

“Maybe our killer was in the army and he invented this suit.” Guessed Tim.

“Yes but if we think Mr. FWP took his idea, how did he manage to do that to a spec ops agent?” Asked Mr. Jackson.

“ I just did some background research on Mr. FWP, he used to own an apartment building near an army base. One that a special ops person might have stayed in. Our killer, if he did stay there, might have been low on rent after buying all the parts for one of those suits.  Maybe Mr. Fluffy Wuffy Pants was getting annoyed, so maybe at one point, when our killer was out of the room, Mr. Fluffy Wuffy Pants  went in and stole the idea.” Said Janet.

“When did the suit come out”?, asked Tim?
“It came out about 10 years ago but was built 16 years ago” replied Janet.
“Who stayed in that room 16 years ago”, asked Mr. Jackson.
“A man name Ronald Phillips, and yes, he was a special ops person.” Said Janet.
“Do we know where he is now?”, Asked Mr. Jackson.
“Let me check, hmm, He has a 2008 Yellow Hummer with a license plate numbers reading “2G00D4U”, I send out a search for the vehicle, now we just wait”, said Janet.
About 10 minutes later a police officer spotted him, he was still in town,
“Set up roadblocks on every street he could get out of from, lets go get him.” Said Mr. Jackson.
The Killer notice almost immediately the police cars swarming so he took off.
“He’s on the run,” Said one of the drivers.
The Police wasted no time going after him, they chased him down every street. Soon enough there were 4 police cars onto him.
“PULL OVER NOW” Scream one of the police officers.
But the killer’s response was slamming into him and taking out the police car and the one behind it. BAAMM,  A gunshot echoed through the air, the bullet slammed into the side of the killers car. A helicopter was trying to hit him. The killer swerved and took a right, the 2 police cars still following him, the killer was coming to an intersection with a road block on the opposite side. He pushed the pedal to the floor and smashed through the barrier, Although he did make it he popped every tire on the road spikes, He was now swerving all over the place, He was coming to another intersection, the second he got to the middle, a swat armored truck slammed into the right side of the car, The Hummer went flying down the left road of the intersection, the car was still moving forward and slammed into the edge of the building and started to spin. It hit another car and flipped over. When it stopped, the police cars(Including the swat truck) circled the vehicle, swat members started pouring out the back of the truck. The slowly started to close in on the truck when the door was ripped off, The killer was wearing one of the suits he invented, The swat members opened fire but the killer the the door at the first guy, this stunned everyone.  But the killer was already heading straight for another swat member, He grabbed his gun and punched him 15 feet and onto a car the, killer spun around and open fired, He immediately killed 6 swat member and the jumped over the car. The swat men open fired, The killer threw a grenade and sent 2 members flying, One landed on a nearby car and smashed through the windshield and the other smacked into the all of a building. but it didn’t kill anyone. The killer threw a smart grenada, it flew into the air and then locked onto one of the swat members. It flew straight towards him and hit him in the chest. The grenade blew up and then the body fling.The killer spun around and shot down 3 people. He was running down the street now, BAAMM. One of the shots echoed through the air. It slammed into the killers back, The power of the bullet was so great, it was like a speed boost for him, But he then fell to the ground. He look rolled over and shot a the helicopter but the sniper saw what he was going to do and fired 3 times into the chest, The Ronald slowly lowered his gun, the sniper fired once more into his head. Ronald lay motionlessly on the ground. Hit head laid side ways with his eyes open, Ronald was surrounded by the swat members. Ronald had just enough time to see this and the puddle of blood around him. He slowly closed his eyes.

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