Why I decided to Fight | Teen Ink

Why I decided to Fight

June 15, 2015
By YaniMC SILVER, Scotia, New York
YaniMC SILVER, Scotia, New York
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Be the change you wish to see in the world&quot;<br /> -Gandhi

I let the  spark hit the bathwater.I went out like a light, my brain could stand the shock, but not the fall. I saw the plethora of emotional images, the memories. I went out like a light, my brain could stand the shock, but not the fall. I saw the plethora of emotional images, the memories. A repertoire of mistakes leading up to the most recent. I left the location on my goodbye.


He says his heart stopped beating, when you read the last line. He tells me, I didn't want to die, that's why left it on. It's true, i didn, till the video post.She tagged me, in mockery.  I wonder if he has seen it, if he realized what she really meant. Why is he here, telling me this, they told him I couldn't hear him. They were wrong, i hear every word. how does he know i can?


 Her video was my journal entry, embellished with her trickery and deceit. She knew he would realize it was him. I regret ever written in that journal, ever meeting him. 


 She was my best friend, I tried to help her. She is too far gone. Her obsession with him overtook her. I fell for him instead. She got over him, then decided to use him against me. Blaming  me for him rejecting her. She must of heard about my experiment, waited until that moment to post the video. That's how I died. 


I fall too much. Fall for lies,love, and life. That's how I died. 


I  decide to listen to him one last time before I let go.  He was singing, about saying goodbye to the girl that he loved, that never knew.

The author's comments:

Crushes always are a large part of high school. Especially the drama. This story portrays that. A girl who attempts suicide to find out he liked her back. A little extreme, but you get the point. 

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