Mother Nature | Teen Ink

Mother Nature

July 22, 2015
By Sophie Arregoces BRONZE, Scottsdale, Arizona
Sophie Arregoces BRONZE, Scottsdale, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The scene swallows me into a peaceful state, unaffected by nothing else except the pure beauty before me. The leaves of countless shades of green sway rhythmically in the cool evening breeze. They rustle with the whispers of Mother Nature, singing her gentle songs. The booming peaks of the overlapping mountains shelter the smooth river below. Sheets of luscious grass carpet meet the base of each monumental hump and extend throughout the canyon.  Sprouts of vibrant flowers peak through the foliage, exposing their pollen-covered souls to the effervescent shine of the sun. The serene lake reflects the lively landscape upon its rippling surface.  The crisp air purifies the thick land, renewing the century-old terrain.
The mist bathes me in sweet serenity and carries me into its tender embrace. My mind grows numb with tranquil chirps of the hovering birds. I rest my eyes, but the imprint of the glowing scene never leaves my sight. My feet leave the dense soil as I float into the distance of limpid waters and tangerine sunsets. I am one with Mother Nature as she guides me along the orbiting world of perfection.

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