A Zest for Redemption | Teen Ink

A Zest for Redemption

August 3, 2015
By Anonymous

        Hope is a very dangerous thing that can drag oneself into the state of complete oblivion.


        Behind those bars, the sun traces its rays and teases him for his confinement. And, in prior to it, they offer him to accept the servitude of the child, the child who still persists inside him, who can comprehend the magic moment that can imbue the rectitude inside his mind. But, the one thing that stifles those flamboyabt rays' penetration within his dark mind is his unruly vex, for he was there at " Central Jail, Nakkhu ", just for zilch; the false blame on his head - murder of his beloved wife.


         His heart is pellucid. His eyes are innocent. His hands are beseeching justice. He was given two leathery breads, a day - served by a lady. She had sternly set jaw, deep soulful eyes and long silver-gray hair that cascaded over her shoulder in ringlets. Few days ago, the fat fellow in his sidely chamber was taken by the soldiers, just for his lament, and he never returned back. Those eyes also reflected the dictionary of the jail without the word ' mercy '. Fighting with tears, all he could do was endure the solitude, plunging back into the dark recesses of his memory. Angel and demon of a single minded and single hearted body are incessantly competing, so as to overcome the periphry or to coincide with that precise dark churning circumstance. He closed his eyes, and asked to his woozy mind, the cause for the beration from life.


          " Persevarance is favourable. Your innocence will break this wall of your persecution. Behold the maestro of your soul. Don't lose hope; do realise those rays of sun which have summoned you for a new life, a complete rescue from the ' zugzwang '. Patience! my friend, Patience! ".


         " No! No! it is totally a piffle. You are supposed to be here, my dear! Look at the couple of dove, flipping their wingd in the open sky. Peace is laughing at you. Stay far from the communiuon of it. You are the enemy of yourself. Your life is annihilated. See, what your honesty and pantheism had granted you - a handful of nothing, a fake blame overhead. Get on my shoes, try my path and take revenge of your vague futile life with yourself! "


          A complete silence.....his eyes wide open - red and devil.


         The stench of evil hung in the air. Angel's evanescence left him with an unfulfilled yearns of redemption, a life in quandary and an uncertain future. He let out his lament in agony - reverberated in between those dark walls. He get rid of the labyrinth of life. The unfulfilled zest consequents in his redemption. The sun sets down and never rose for him again. The doves flew away, the lines of freedom wane away. The evil dominates but the tergiversate of angel persists.


            The bundle of muscles and bones directed, into the dark abyss of death - into the Inferno.

The author's comments:

This piece seem to be pessimistically written but actually it's not.

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