I Never Knew | Teen Ink

I Never Knew

August 12, 2015
By JessicaOdele BRONZE, Oviedo, Florida
JessicaOdele BRONZE, Oviedo, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Be yourself because everyone else is already taken.

Ya know, no one asks how I feel. All they say is "Don't talk to her. Sam's a problem girl who just wants to be mean." That's not true though. What they don't know is that almost every time I come home, I see my mom sitting there, looking into deep space. She lost her job. She just sits there all day worried about how long we can stay in this crappy house. On top of all that, my dad died a year ago. So yeah, I didn't grow up like most 16 year olds. I didn't get raised to be this perfect little angel. I got raised the wrong way. To be a bully. The only right choice I have made was to not smoke. But, all my energy gets built up every night and I have to let it out somehow. I can't let it out on my mom. She would just kick me out and everyone knows I have no one to go to. So, I go to school and let it out there. It's so much easier. Kids don't talk back to me. No one messes with me because they know that I'm the bully of the school. I'm not exactly proud of that, but I get to let out my anger.
     I'm not a physical bully. I just yell at them and call them names. I know it sounds stupid, but it helps me. Okay... Maybe a little. I do slap sometimes but that is only if I had a really bad day. No one has ever told me to stop except for today. One dark haired bystander came up to me after 6th period when I was yelling at a freshman. She stood in front of the kid and started yelling at me, telling me that I need to stop bullying. It made me think. That annoying girl stood up for a stranger because she knew what I was doing was wrong. She was saying things like "How dare you!?" And "Why would you want to hurt this poor person? Do you want her to hurt herself because of you!?" She is right, but what should I do. I cannot stop bullying; I will explode. I realized that there was only one thing for me to do.
     I walked up to the dark haired girl. "You're right. I need to stop, but I don't know how” I paused, “Could you help me?"
     She stood there for a couple seconds just looking. "Sure," and then she wrote down her address and said "Come by after school and we will talk. I'm Liz."
     I walked over to her house and we talked for about an hour about our personal lives. "I never thought that you would have such a bad life. Well... I'm here to help." She explained that I could join a school team like volleyball. I could hit the ball instead of a person. It was a good idea, so I said that I would try that.
     Turns out that I made the team and I am doing pretty well. Liz is now my new best friend and my life is good except for my mom, but that's okay. I used to be a weed amongst flowers in a meadow, where people would look at me but ignore and go around. Now, I have friends, good grades and my emotions stay inside. I never knew how good being a regular girl felt.

The author's comments:

I chose to make this short story because I want people to know the emotions on the other side of bullying. It may inspire others to try and help the bully stop. This story is written by Jessica Yahn.

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