The Bomb Exploded | Teen Ink

The Bomb Exploded

September 23, 2015
By narim18 BRONZE, The Woodlands, Texas
narim18 BRONZE, The Woodlands, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The bomb exploded. And nothing happened.
“LUKE THIS WAS SUPPOSED TO WORK THIS TIME,” our leader, James yelled. His patience was beginning to wear.

This was the third attempt at trying to blast open an ornate door lodged into the south side of Mt. Everest. Collective groans sounded across the worksite at yet another failure. James rubbed his temples and took a deep breath before continuing Luke’s reprimand.
“This is the third time in two hours kid! We can’t keep trying to blow this door open, what happens when an avalanche starts? Huh?”
Luke winced at the desperate tone, shrinking in on himself.
“S-s-sir I swear, this will be the last ti-”
“Luke look around you! These men and women have families! I can’t have their lives on my hands!” James began pleading to Luke, hoping he would understand.
Luke’s face hardened in frustration at the recurring argument. “These people knew what they were doing when they signed up for this project. They know the risk and they’ve decided to take them,” snapped Luke.
James went red with fury and for a moment it looked like Luke was about to really get it.
“James wait! Please I know you’re frustrated about all of this, I understand, but how about you let me handle the detonation this time. Its the last one and it’ll be too dangerous to try and go down the mountain with another one you know how hard it was with four.” Please work please.
He contemplated my request before slowly nodding and stumbled over to where the last bomb was being kept. Tucking it under the cavernous doorway, James set the timer and ran back towards the campsite, taking cover nea-BOOM.

As I came back around, I felt cold everywhere. All I could remember was a sound like a thousand wedding bells went off, and a blinding flash. Groaning I sat up, and yelled for Luke and James. Weak replies sounded from my right.

Luke was covered from his neck down in snow, clearly very restricted. His eyelids fluttered about as he regained his memory of what happened, much like I had done. James on the other hand was completely entangled in a mix of tent and ice, wriggling like a large orange worm. Once I had taken care of the two of them, I remembered the door, but Luke had beat me to it.
“Guys I think you should see this.”
Turning around, I saw that the bomb had made a large jagged hole in the doorway. Through it I could only make out a shimmering blue light that reminded me of the blast.
“Should we go in?” whispered James.
We all shared a nod before starting towards the door. One we were only centimeters from the entrance, Luke looked back and murmured something about mom before crawling through. Clenching my jaw, I stepped in only to have my breath taken away.
“Moms never gonna believe this.”

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