The Stars Dance | Teen Ink

The Stars Dance

October 2, 2015
By Lalapuppydog BRONZE, Maryville, Tennessee
Lalapuppydog BRONZE, Maryville, Tennessee
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Look deep into nature and you will understand everything better"~Albert Einstein

The girl in the gold dress danced gracefully over the floor with a tall handsome man. She wore a golden silk gown decorated with small gems. Her hair put up elegantly out of her face. She wore a golden smile that matched her gown. The slightly pink lips lighting up her round face. The tall stranger looked down at her with a smile. The night was beautiful. The music played on and on. The stars seeming to come through the windows and dance with them this beautiful dance. This dance of peace of the ball. Of the peaceful state of the country.

    The girls bright blue eyes stared into the stranger's dark brown ones with interest and acceptance. Not the kind you would see a normal girl looking into a young boys eyes but it was different. Her eyes staring into his. Her eyes filled with the love of a thousand moons. A thousand children listening wide eyes to their mother's sweet bedtime stories. Just the simple movement of eye contact told a thousand stories on it's own. But stories that would be told through generations. Lines had been marked on the girl's skin from her youthful life of smiling.

    Every movement graceful. Every step a breath would be let out and not a sound from the shoe. It was like dancing on air. The grace the beauty the songs of innocence and the songs of murder. The songs of quiet now danced the room, but everyone held their positions of dance. Their rhythms which they listened to was the stars. They danced to melody of the stars. As they danced the night the couples staring at them happily with bright smiles painting their sorrowful faces with glee and joy.

     As the dance of the stars reached it's crescendo it seemed to fade. A bang had cut through the silent air. The next she had known she was on the ground looking up at her beloved. His eyes were filled with fear. Yet she had none for now the blackness tempted her and corrupted her vision. The stars dance in front of her eyes. They called to her tempting for her to join them and join their dance of peace. She looked into her young love. She placed her hand on his cheek and spoke softly in and angelic voice.

"Il est mon temps à danser avec le stars.I doit aller mon bien-aimé , mais sachez que je serai toujours jeter dans votre cœur pur ,"She said to him a warm dancing smile across her face as the stars reached out to her. She let their warmth caress her and bring her to where they danced. Her eyes faded into the dark no longer holding the light that they once held. Yet her pale skin still shining when the light no longer remained. The stranger wept over the girls body not daring to move to let her just disappear into the shadows of the dark. He kept believing she would return to him as her happy self. As the young girl her fell in love with. So the young girl was gone into the black on night. She now danced with the stars. Yet the young stranger continues to dance in his life on the same floor where the girl once danced. Yet it will never be as beautiful or as special as it was that fateful night that stars took her away.

The author's comments:

This piece of writing took me me two hours to write and it ment a lot to me. I put a lot of symbolism in it. I think of this like poetry because of all the meaning.

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