Cycle | Teen Ink


October 8, 2015
By Anonymous

Everyone wanted to be somebody.

There were two options—fit in, or don’t.

Simple as black or white, fire or water. There was no in between, no gray to band the two together in any way, shape or form. Two distinct groups, two completely different types of people.

If you weren’t a somebody, then…you were a nobody.

People could care less about your problems, people could care less about what you were like outside of school.

People could care less about who you were.

To them, you were nothing. You were just a literal roadblock, a figurative fly on the wall.

A nobody.

Who cared about the A on the hardest test of the semester that you got? No one. Who cared about the fact that you’d lost 23 pounds in the last 2 months so you could buy that dress everyone was raving about? No one. Who cared that you’d cried yourself to sleep nonstop for so long you couldn’t remember a night where your pillow wasn’t wet?

No one.

So why should you care when they were on their knees, begging for someone to help them? Why should you have cared when they were the one in the back of the room, swaying to the beat by themselves? Why should you have been the one to help them when all they had done was point and laugh?

Who cared about them?

You were the one who had suffered, crawled your way to the top. They hadn’t needed to go through that. It was their turn to experience your ordeal.

They had made the rules, they had dug their own grave. They had made themselves a nobody.

There were two options—fit in, or don’t.

Everyone wanted to be a somebody.

The author's comments:

And the cycle starts again.

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