Run Away | Teen Ink

Run Away

October 9, 2015
By Gage001 BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
Gage001 BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Steve took another long drink of his warm, black coffee while he was thinking about his childhood. His family was poor and his father died from a building falling on him while he was building it. He started stealing things like food and clothing to help his family, he started when he was ten years old.
He finished his coffee and looked at his house. His house was big, but messy like he’d a huge party the night before. The smell of rotten eggs filled the room from all the garbage lying around the house. He had been too lazy to do chores around his house. Steve finally got up, and searched for clothing to wear for the day throughout all the mess. He dressed in a black suit with a blue and gray striped tie with green eyes. He brushed his short brown hair down.
Steve looked at his golden wrist watch, he realized that he was late meeting his friend at the café for their Saturday morning breakfast.  He went outside into in the rainy, cold day waiting for the bus to come to his stop. He gets on the city bus and sits in the back on the bus in the far left seat that is slowly tearing away from being used to much. He thinks back to his childhood about how his mother would come home from the factory all tired and dirty from all the grease from the parts at the factory. His mother didn’t make that much money for their family. His older brother Donald, who was eighteen, had a job at the car shop to help his mom get money for their family.
Once the bus stopped Steve realized that he missed his stop from day dreaming.  He got off on the next stop and had to walk a block back to the café. He sees his friend Bob in the café window. He meet Bob at school when he was a kid, Bob also sometimes helped Steve steal things. When Bob was a kid, he lived in a orphanage alone. Steve walked in and took a seat across from Bob. They ordered the same meal as always, Steve got fried eggs with toast and extra crispy bacon with a cold glass of orange juice. Bob got the egg and sausage omelet with a cup of hot coffee with cold vanilla creamer.  Once they finish their meal they talked about the place that they were going to rob tonight. 
They left the cafe to create the plans of the robbery. They would leave that night around midnight to the jewelry store downtown. They will get into the apartment from the top of the jewelry store and try to get through from there, since the apartment is abandoned.
Steve was waiting for  Bob, in the cafe they were in this morning. Once Bob arrived they got a quick drink, and headed off to the jewelry store. Once they got there they went up the old rusty fire escape from the abandoned from above. They went through the window that was already broke. Once they got inside they unpacked their bags full of tools to help rob the place.
Bob hacked into the jewelry store computers and turned off the alarm system so that Steve could get inside the store. Once they cut a hole into the floor from the apartment into the jewelry store they hooked up a rope so that Steve could get inside. Once inside the store, Steve went to the back counter and got all the diamond and gold jewelry and put them into a bag. Steve grabbed most of the expensive things in the store. He went into the back of the store to see if anymore jewelry was back there. He found a big black vault that most likely held all the extra jewelry and all the cash.  He was walking over to the back door and fell into the window.
              The window broke into a million pieces and the alarm went off; the sound was so loud that it could be heard all the way down the street. Steve panicked from the alarm, he ran back to the rope with the bag of jewelry. Once he got up the rope, Bob and Steve packed up all their tools as fast as they could. Right as they started to walk out the window the police arrived at the jewelry store. They ran behind the store and took off. The police saw them running off and chased after them. They hid in the abandoned gas station. The police just kept running straight and passed the gas station. When Steve and Bob couldn't see them anymore they walked back to Steve's house fastly and quietly. Once they got inside his house they locked all the doors and windows and closes all the blinds.
They counted up the prices of all the jewelry they stole. They hid the bag of jewels in the vault underground of Steve’s house. Bob left to go home and Steve stayed home and went to bed.
In the morning Steve woke up to someone pounding of the front door of his house. Steve got up and answered the door, it was Bob. He said that they are on the morning news. They both went into Steve’s living room and turned on the TV and turned the channel to the morning news. They totally forgot about the street cameras. Their faces were caught on cameras, but they hadn't recognized yet. They turned off the television and Steve got the bag of jewels and got a packed suitcase of his clothes to leave. Steve was planning all along to leave Bob behind since he was always a bump in the road, but Bob didn’t know that Steve was going behind his back. Steve and Bob were fighting about splitting the bag of jewels Steve said
“No, I did all the work and I should get all the jewels and money.”
Bob shouted from the top of his lungs and said, “This is NOT fair! I should at least get of half of the jewels.” Steve and Bob kept fighting over the jewels. Steve punched Bob in the head and knocked him out and locked him inside the closet inside Steve’s room.
Steve left the house and went to his private jet across town and took the bag of jewels with him. He loaded up his jet and prepared it to fly to Bora Bora. First Steve had to deal with Bob. Steve went back to his house and found Bob trying to untie himself in Steve’s closet. Steve grab Bob and pulled him into the kitchen and pulled out a gun and shot Bob in the head, that killed him.
Steve went back to his private jet and was ready to take off, but once he got to the airport the police followed him there. They surrounded Steve. He just panicked and didn’t know what to do, so he ran into his jet and closed the door behind him, and started up the jet for take off. The police started shooting at the jet windows trying to take out Steve. They missed and Steve got the plane on the runway getting ready to take off. Once he was taking off, a cargo plane was landing where Steve was escaping from the police. Steve tooked a hard right turn trying to avoid the cargo plane. The plane scratched the side of Steve’s plane.
Steve got away from the police and was in mid flight to Bora Bora when he heard on the plane radio to watch out for his plane at nearby airports, and if seen report it to the police immediately.
Steve was getting ready to land in Bora Bora from the long tiring flight from Illinois. Once Steve landed, he got his bag of jewels and stuffed it into his suitcase. Steve got off the plane and went into the airport to have one of the staff members park his plane inside the hanger for him. Steve got a cab to take him to his beach house on the other side of the island. Once Steve got to his house, he hid the bag of jewels in a vault that is in a hidden room under the stairs. Steve went outside to check if anyone was watching him, he couldn’t see anyone and went back inside.
Steve changed into his swimsuit and went outside to sit in the sand by the water. First he got a drink from his outside kitchen. Steve fell asleep on the beach, he didn’t know that the police tracked his plane to Bora Bora and found where he is located at on the island.
As Steve was finishing his drink he heard police sirens  from the distance and froze in fear. Steve didn’t know what to do since he was on a island. He got up and started running down the beach to search for a boat to get away. He found a small fishing boat running in the water just sitting there, he ran and jump onto the boat and was getting away, but the boat ran out of gas once he just left the shore line. Steve was stuck in the ocean with the police chasing after him. He swam back to shore and ran inside the fisherman's hut. The police found the boat and snuck around to the house to surround him. The police were yelling that he was surrounded and that he needed to come out of the house with his hands above his head. Steve didn’t want to, be he had to. Steve slowly walked outside with his hands above his head, and then he attacked the police officer and they shot Steve to death.

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