October's Mystery | Teen Ink

October's Mystery

October 12, 2015
By PresleySmith BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
PresleySmith BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

October's Mystery
October 31st 12:00 A.M., as she sleeps a gust of wind hit her face and flings her blanket off of her.  As she grabs the blanket back on her she noticed broken glass and no one being home.
            Here is a brief summary of me:  I am Caroline I have blonde hair brown roots, i have blue/green eyes. I live with my parents and my twin sibling Khloe and Mario. oh and when I go to Africa I am meeting up with my brother lAne he is the oldest he is older than me by three years. I'm so excited to see him! I am very sarcastic only my friends and family get me though, everyone else thinks I'm rude... I have two best friends Rosie and Lucy. They aren’t my sisters but if you have a best friend you understand they are my sisters. I have a boyfriend his name is Jason he is very sweet I couldn't ask for anyone better! We all live in a small town in Georgia. And in November I'm graduating early and  I will be in studying and researching cures, and illnesses in Africa... I am really going to miss everyone.
October 30th, “Hey Caroline wait up!” I hear my Best friend Lacy yelling my name and behind her is my other best friend Rosie come running down the hall.
“Hey guys” I said, as they catch up to my they ask.
“What are our plans for tomorrow?” she said. Tomorrow is Halloween we celebrate it every year together, we have been best friends since first grade we are seniors now.
“Well ugh. This is sad, I can’t believe I’m saying this, I have to babysit.”
“NO!” they both screamed causing kids to stop and stare, I’m not much for attention.
“I’m so sorry if my parents are back in time maybe we can still go to Jason’s party”
“Alright.” Said Rosie as her and Lacy walked away.
Jason is my boyfriend, he is handsome and kind,I love him. We have been together for four years, all of high school. Usually we do a cute couple themed outfit, but not this year... If you hadn't noticed Halloween is my FAVORITE day of the year, and I'm moving Africa to study for college and my parents are out of town and no one to watch my siblings and this will be my last Halloween for two to four years.
      After school Jason, Lucy, Rosie, and lucy’s boyfriend Matthew, and Rosie's boyfriend Alanzo. We all went back to my house since it's just me and my twin brother and sister they are eleven and they have friends over so we all just hung out and went to the Halloween festival. I love the festival everyone dresses up scary, pretty, and different. Halloween lets everyone be who they are and that very important.                              
"Okay well you guys ready” asked my sister and brother with their best friends.                                     
"Yeah, is that okay with everyone?" everyone was ready to head.
We got to  the festival there are haunted house and scary people following you... And that's usual except there was a person and he was actually scaring me I mean we live in a small town in Virginia so everyone knows each other but this was different it was just weird. Instead of following us he or her would just stand in areas we were going and watch us I just don't know it was weird in general.
We went through a couple haunted houses they had they weren't very good it didn't scare me. We also played some games and got dinner but the little ones wanted to go. we were leaving and I saw that person behind a car following so I finally told everyone and got in and acted like we were waiting on our parents, because we didn't want him to see us get into a car.
After fifteen minutes we left our boyfriends went home and we all went back to my house.
"Guys I still can't get over that person it really scared me"
"Are you serious?" asked Lucy”you never get scared, nothing scares you"
"I know I know I shouldn't worry!" I said
We were watching Halloween, the one with Michael Myers, it I my favorite. Everyone was asleep but me I couldn't get that guy or girl out of my head it just left me with a really bad feeling.
Ahhhhh... I'm really tried though. So I'm going to try and sleep... I was thinking, maybe I will get that creep out of my head.
October 31st 12:00 A.M.
Where is everyone! I said panicking! Why is there broken glass why is our power off! I said all out loud all flustered. What is going on!! I call my parents but they didn't answer it's four A.M. in Hawaii that is where they are. I tried my friends, my siblings, and my boyfriend what is going on!!!! No one is home I went all throughout the house all our windows are broke our power is out and as I now realize my friends phones are still on the floor where they were laying. The walk to my neighbors and no one will answer, none of them. I get in my car and drive down the road to the gas station and call for help I call the police I said "can you help I can't find my siblings or my friends and all my windows are broken I think something seriously bad happened to them."
"I'm sorry miss said s lice officer, but if this happened last night then we can't do anything. It hasn't been twenty-four hours."
"Okay... "And I just hung the phone up.
I drove back home and I sat in the kitchen and think who could do this, I mean, this still doesn't make any sense to me why would someone or my friends take my siblings and not me. Then I think about that creepy guy in that all black mask with two weird looking eyes on it. Man I still can't get that out of my head. Maybe he has something to do with this.
I'm driving back to the festival I park and I get out there are only janitors there they are cleaning up. But I noticed that mask in a trash can. I picked up there is a note attached to it
Oh, hello darling Caroline. I noticed you saw me last night, I thought it would be fun to play some games too.
That's when I noticed a map I think I'm supposed to follow it I mean it's only a section of the map. It is an address circle with red pin 1398 South Hill Road 46579. I'm thinking where that is, that is this little area when you're leaving the town it has abandoned burnt down buildings.
I walk back to my car with the mask, AHHHHHHHHH I scream as I sit in my car. Is this a sick joke!
I put the address in my GPS and start driving, I arrive at my destination and walk in. There is broken glass shattered all over kinda reminding me of my house this morning. Well, I'm not even sure where to look until all the sudden I see a big red graffiti arrow that says Caroline, I figured that that was for me? I keep waking and fine more leading me in and out of different rooms until I see a note of red spray paint it says I have a face and two hands but legs what am I? Well I have heard this saying since like fifth grade... It's a clock! Oh! Our clock tower in the middle of town.
I got in my car and left. I got to town I parked it really isn't that busy it's Halloween usually kids are all dressed up and trick or treat all day. Weird. I bang on the door it was locked so I take a bobby pin out of my hairs try to get into it without looking too noticeable, but I'm not someone good with locks so I just looked under the mate. Well so be it, there is a key under the mate. I open it  and walk in and I go up the stars and in the the back there is an envelope and inside it it says you silly little girl take a look at the pieces wait what I turn it around and nothing was on the back either, what is that supposed to mean!!!!!
It drove back home and walked in the front door and since it's only like 3am and dark and our power is out I need a flashlight. I opened the drawer and grabbed the flashlight, taped to the flashlight said that keeps things out and other things in, that is when I got it the person is talk about the window he or she broke...Ok so I put all the pieces together me I was right, the glass said come to the area full books and computers. So I am guessing this is the library. I got back in my car and went back into town to go to the library. I got there and there was a map sticking out under the door mate, so I went inside and followed the map it said take go to fiction books then go left down the stairs, and get on the last computer, closest to the exit.
I followed the map I went to the fiction aisle turned left and went to the compeer closest to the exit.... I saw nothing different from it, I just sat there staring. Then I started messing round with the paper and it scratched off and it said Google 421 so I logged on and when I tipped it up it gave me a google image of a warehouse I have never  heard of. 421 South Wood, it's in the woods, I'm getting even worse feelings right about now. But I have to do this. So I put it in my GPS and I hate driving in the darkness in the rain and unfortunately it was dark and it started raining... Anyways it takes like one hour to get but finally I arrived. I turned on my phone GPS and it took me to this building, I am walking and I feel like I hear people stepping on twigs and into bushes, at this point I have tears coming down my face I want to know where everyone is, I never cry even when I was six and was lost in the mall of America! But eventually I was found. Obviously.
I arrived to this building it looks so creepy and you have to squeeze under this small door that is jammed. I am covered in mud cuts on my body and little thorns stuck in my clothes. Anyways, I walk in the building to find a chair and pictures it's a red room of random people from the town, my friends, neighbors, siblings, parents, and me! Who is this person? I thought that's when someone walked out and said "hello Caroline" he is wearing  all black mask with Caroline written in black on it
"What do you want?" I screamed.
"Shhhhh girl I have a headache" the person has a very weird deep creepy voices think it's a guy, but you never know.
"Tell me where my family is, now." I said with a quivering voice
"Meet me here at one  o'clock P.M. today" I will have your friends and family, we can talk"
I said " give them to me now"
He started walking away I stood there and I thought no I want them now! I ran after the person, but that person was gone.
I just fell to the ground for at least twenty minutes crying, then I thought I could go home and take a shower and clean up the house while I wait. I drove home I picked up the glass, keeping all the hints so incase he doesn't bring my family and I can take it to the policies after twenty four hours. It's about 6:45 and I was exhausted I fell asleep until 11. I woke up and got ready I did my hair and put some clothes on... Tried calling a few more people but no answers again! At about 11:30 I left because I needed gas. At the gas station I bought mace spray because I just wasn't sure if anything would go wrong, and I knew mase would hold him or her off for a little bit.
I arrived at that building at about 12:45 and started heading into the woods. I heard someone walking with me and I turned around very quickly, it was just a squirrel. So anyI got to the building and I went inside and I heard a loud boom, and a SURPRISE! And it was my family, a cake, balloons, my friends, and half the town.
"What is going on" I said
"Oh honey” said my mother, “we decided to pull a prank on you, on your favorite holiday before you went off to Africa. We might not see you for a long time and we wanted to give you one last Halloween scare. If it scared you, nothing scares you." She said as she winked, she hugged me then walked away while.
"Wow I cannot believe you guys scared me like that, but that was a good idea. Although the I thought you guys were dead." I said as I started laughing. How did you guys do it though?"
My dad answered with "well we went to the local acting college and asked for breakable glass while you were at school when we "left" we really set all that up and wrote all the notes, we got almost everyone involved with it, the police, and everyone here. Then you just kinda did the rest."
"Who was the person who dressed up in the scary mask?"
"Me. As someone walked from the back in a mask, you don't think I would let you fly  Africa by yourself." That was my brother lane, I ran up and hugged him I missed him so much he has been gone for 2 years. He only came home one time iPad it was for Christmas the first year.
I stood up on a chair and said thank you everyone for coming I'm going see you all, I am sad to be graduating early in November. But I will be doing what I love and the fact that you all love me enough to be here just makes me feel so good about myself and I just really appreciate it, thank you again!"
After a while everyone left. My friends and I all went back and had the party at Jason's house it was great it was the last time I would really get to have a good time with my friends for about 4 years. And I am just so grateful to have such great people there for me, willing to do this stuff for me nd spend time with me. I can't explain how grateful I am.
November fifth 5:30 P.M. "one last clap for our early graduates of 2015, you May turn your tassels" said principal smells. We all thought our hats up in the air, screaming, but a little disappointed I was graduating with my friends... But I looked up and they were there smiling at me cheering me up, a lot!
November eighth 3:00 A.M. "I will miss you, you are my best friend. Don't forget that." Said Lucy
"I won't, never." I replied
"I'm sorry can't say anything other I love you, and I hope you stay safe." Rosie said and ran back to the car. Lucy said goodbye one last time and ran after Rosie
"I love you too." I yelled getting a ton of attention but not caring anymore.
"Caroline, I love you. And I don't know what this means I hope we work. I just know I want nothing but you and me to be together." I knew Jason was meaning it he is tough but he started shedding tears, as did I. "I..I please don't forget me, we can call and text on weekend, since we have different time zones. I will be here for you in 4 years when you come back or when you come home to visits, if you coto visit." Jason said
"Jason, we didn't talk about this and I wish we did, and I hope we last, I really do because you know how much I love you. And we can try but i won't put you through the this you won't see me and you can't talk to me a lot. So if it gets to hard. Just stop trying."  I said bawling at this point. And he just kissed me and we went our separate ways.

The author's comments:

I wrote this story becaus ei really like halloween and i love scary stories. 

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