A 2nd Chance | Teen Ink

A 2nd Chance

October 15, 2015
By TKE11 BRONZE, Wyckoff, New Jersey
TKE11 BRONZE, Wyckoff, New Jersey
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am not the kind of person to disagree, feel strongly about something or to say no. I am the kind of person who just lets things happen, I just want to please the critics. If my Mom or Dad say I wish you could have done that, my next job is to please them. I just want to please. My whole life objective is to please. I can’t leave a crowd without making everybody happy, that is just me. I can’t be who I want because of my thoughts and my actions. I just want a 2nd chance to be the person I know I can be.

I am at my favorite vacation spot where I love to do things. I especially love to go where my favorite movie was filmed, at the bridge. I love coming here but when my Dad said I should jump off of the bridge with a 30ft drop my world turns upside down.
The ocean ripples as my toes hang over the edge of a old wooden railing. I watch the boats going out of the harbor like little ducklings, 1 by 1. I look down at the thirty foot drop below.
The sign to Oaf Bluffs, Martha’s Vineyard makes me feel at home. My dad  looking at me right in the eye as if to say are you going to do it.
Yes and no I want to say yes but I keep looking down. My sisters splash settles down as she reaches the rocks and climbs up. “It’s so much fun you have to go” Cameron yelled from below, but my eyes keep on looking at the 30 ft drop. The boats stop in their places as I think about the place I am in.
I don’t want to be on this old wood railing but I am. I don’t want to jump off but I have to. I thought as I looked down, then at my sister.
I think to myself, this is just another one of my critics that I have to please.  No I can’t do this I can’t. I  can’t move! Why am I here. I want to be away from all of this. I have to plummet 30 ft!
I watch my sister yelling but I can’t control what I am hearing and what I can hear, all that I see is the drop. “ Alright Dad hold my hand I think I am ready.”
I squeeze his hand as I shake with fear. I free my hand from his grasp and look at my sister Cameron all wet from her jump. “You can do it!” she says. I know that I have to jump so here it goes. “ 1...2...3…” My dad calls at the bottom of the bridge. I jump with full force into the water.
My stomach is my throat and I can feel the awkward feeling in my stomach. I am not dead I am safe and soon to be in my Dad’s arms. I look at everybody cheering from the bridge.
As I am treading water I watch the water ripple away from my splash. The critics are pleased I think to myself. My head bobs in the water as I watch another boat head in the harbor.
“Great job Kate, you know I am impressed I thought you were going to chicken out.” says my Dad with a beaming smile.
“Hey I am so happy you jumped off of jaws bridge.” cheered Cameron as i look at my Uncle who looks worried
“SHARK!!!!!!!!” he yells.
“Get over here Katelyn you can do it.” Cameron yells
“Come on Kate, HURRAY!”
I am frozen time has stopped I can’t hear I can only see. I can see the scene in the movie Jaws when ‘Quint’ gets eaten but with a twist IT’S ME!!! I am a goner!
Thoughts race through my head but one sticks with me. It stays there for awhile while I look at my family. You know what I can’t please the critics all the time I have to please myself.
This is why I am miserable when someone says something negative. I can’t be perfect so know I have to pay. The shark will eat me and I will leave this world knowing that I pleased everybody, but myself.
I stop about 4ft from the edge of the rocks as I look at my Dad and Cameron screaming but for some reason I can only see their lips frantically moving. They love me so I have to make it for their sake not mine theirs.
At this point I just start to sob. I can’t hold it in. My tears can’t be tamed they can’t be scared away.
I reach the rocks as they squeezed me tight. “I was so worried I thought you were going to die. I love you and I will never let you go. I wish we could stay here all day.” Cameron said sobbing into my arm. She keeps hugging me until I finally get out of her grasp. “I love you honey I am so glad that you are okay.” My Dad says with a look of guilt on his face which I ignore.
I head over to my Uncle and he looks even more guilty so asked him a question. “Hey Uncle Mike why do you look so, you know guilty.” I asked him.
“You know how I yelled shark when you were in the water.”
“Well there was no shark.”
“I know it looks bad but I really thought you would not believe me I mean we all thought.”
“You all thought. So Dad you knew about this whole scam!”
“Well I would not call it scam Kate!”
“Well I forgive you but promise me you will never trick me like that again. Thanks for saying sorry”
“You can have whatever you want and I promise!”
My toes mold the sand as I walk up to the railing. My sister being her nosey little self gets in between my Dad and Uncle Mike to listen to their conversation.
I watched the waves ripple in the ocean with one more memory behind me. The boats are coming in the harbor as I see the glistening stars above.
I can see the milky way from on top of the old creaky railing. The 30 foot drop is below me but I still feel safe.  I look into the sky some more and see all the constellations that my Dad was talking to me about the night before. I can hear myself think for a change. I think to myself as my sister hops next me on the bridge.  I watch the stars flicker above me.
I watch the stars and see one fall right before my eyes. I make a wish.
I promise that I would be the only critic for myself and that I will make myself happy. At least I get a 2nd chance to be who I want to be.

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