A Life From Hurt, Pain, And Neglect | Teen Ink

A Life From Hurt, Pain, And Neglect

October 13, 2015
By catherineivy BRONZE, The Colony, Texas
catherineivy BRONZE, The Colony, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I went through alot living in that house, I could do anything, but that still wouldnt change the fact that she hated me. Why does she do this to me, it hurts so bad. I to cry help help, but i was too scared to. There has to be away to escape this toture.

Chapter 1: A Life From Hurt, Pain, and Neglect

My name is Mina, and I'm 7 years old. I live with my mom in the projects of New York.
     Today was supposed to be my first day back in school, but my mom told me I had to stay home. She thinks school is stupid.
        I had a separate feeling from her in that I loved school, I loved doing work, and seeing friends. I hear my mom calling my name, but I'm too tired to get up due to me cleaning all day.
       I feel myself dozing off as I try to stay awake. I'm having a dream about being a princess, and that I had a village who loved me, and my village would send me pictures of their children.
       My dream is becoming more fascinating, until I feel a really cold substance touch my skin. My mom had just poured a pot of cold water on me.
       My clothes are soaked, my eyes are wide open, and my face is expressionless. I was speechless, what more does this women want from me, I've cleaned, and even took care of her, I'm drained.
          "If you don't get up now, and come cook for me, I swear to you I will break every bone in your back," said mother. 
       I felt like crying exhaustion was overwhelming me, but I knew that if I even shed a tear, she would hit me. I've learned how to control my tears, you too would learn how to control it, if you were getting hit everyday, and barely eating or sleeping, and the only way you were rewarded to have that is if you behaved.
         I'm going downstairs to find something to cook in the refrigerator, but knowing that I wouldn't be able to eat what I cooked, made my stomach tighten up. I feel a strange pause between my mom and I, one that is very odd. My mom usually talks down on me from the living room, but she said nothing.
      I'm about to turn around when I notice my mom was behind me, I feel something hard swing across my head. I fell to the ground as my mom is standing over me with a pan in her hand.
     My head is aching, and this time I'm crying. My mom strikes again, but this time she hits my legs, I'm begging her to stop, praying to God that she would notice that I'm hurting, but she just keeps on going.
   There's no words to describe the pain I'm going through right now, my mom was hitting me so hard I almost forgot where I was. She was hitting me as if I wasn't her daughter, was my mom going to kill me?
   I saw a bright shining light, it was the most beautiful thing I've ever saw. I felt as if the light was telling me to get up, and fight back. "Don't let go."
      The light gave me the strength and courage to get up with a limp in my right leg. My mom was reaching to hit me one last time, but I caught that swing that she made aiming at me, and swung the pan across her legs.
     My mother is on the ground screaming stop. All I could think of was to hit her over, and over again!, but I couldn't no matter how much I hated her I couldn't.
      I dropped the pan, and ran for the door never to look back, just keep running and this will all be over. I'm living with my grandma now, my mom has been locked up in prison for life.
     I haven't seen her since I ran away. My grandma has taken full custody of me, and my life has never been better.
      There were silent tears and empty year's, toxic pain and fearful nights, soundless screams and painful strikes, just mom and I nonexistent love. My life of neglect, and no voice to tell. Until I had the courage to fight back.

The author's comments:

I was reading a book over child abuse in america, and it just broke my heart, and made me want to write a story, relating to this sitution. I want people to understand that life maybe all easy for them, but for some people life is hard.

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