Darkest Minds | Teen Ink

Darkest Minds

October 12, 2015
By Jovanna BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
Jovanna BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

“Because the subway is cheaper and faster. That’s why we take the subway and not the taxi Emma.”
”Mom why don’t we take a taxi?"
“I still think we should take the taxi. It's dark it could be dangerous.”
It was a breezy night and the subway was right in front of my mom and me. The doors opened and there was a guy wearing all black clothes, but I could see a tattoo that said darkest minds on his left arm. Then he yelled
“Give me everything you got.”
I got so scared and I yelled. My mom moved me behind her and I tensed up. I silently cried, the tears streaming down my face. My mom gave him all of the money on us, and I heard it, the sound that changed my life forever. There was blood everywhere and in a blur everything went so fast after that. Before I knew it the police and my dad were there. My mom was... gone.
As I wake up in a puddle of my sweet I quickly glance around and sigh. I’m just in my apartment.  I finally get up after about ten minutes and my feet hit the ice cold floor. I walk through my living room that looks like a tornado came through. Then my kitchen that seems like it’s never been used, and quickly make a pot of coffee.  I go to get ready. I grab a towel and take a shower, as I get out I head towards to my closet, then grab a white shirt, a black leather jacket, blue jeans, combat boots, and golden necklaces.  After that I brush my hair, which is wavy and then my brush I teeth. Take my coffee in a cup to go and start driving to work. As I walk in Sabrine is right in front of me.
"Hey, miss grumpy."
"Hello Sabrine." Sabrine has been my best friend since I meet her in 2012 when I was twenty-two, and came in for the job.
“You know the case we've been working on for about 2 and half weeks?"
“Yeah, how could I forget? It's like a replica of my mother's murder. Lately that's all I’ve been able to think about, and, to make matters worse, I’ve dreaming about that night all over again. Every time I go to sleep, I keep dreaming about that night. I've been dreading go to sleep."
“Emma, I'm here if you need me, ok?"
"I know, and thank you, but I feel bad for that little girl who has to go through what I did. I just hope that her dad pulls things together, unlike mine."
"Ok well John wants to talk to us, so we should go."
There he was, John, the Mr. Know-it-all, but I mean it's kind of funny to mess with him.
“Hey, Emma, Sabrina."
"Hey John. What's up?" I asked
     "Well we think we got the guy. We found a bullet in the woman at crime scene and it registered to Luke Hales. We found some of his fingerprints on her empty purse. Here, this is his file. It has his pictures, records, and address."
In that second I somehow forget how to breathe. Everything is blurred and I'm only focused on what I see. I swallow hard and see that left arm tattoo that says darkest minds.
"Emma are you okay? “Says Sabrina
Somehow the words slip out my mouth and I mumble
"He murdered my mom." I'm hyperventilating and my eyes are balling. I'm losing balance, and everything goes dark.
"Emma, get out here, dinner's ready."
"Ok dad, I'll be there in sec."
As I walk in I see my dad with a beer in his hand. I could smell the beer on his breath. "So what's for dinner?"
"Pizza, why are your grades dropping Emma".
"Wow that was terse, and lately it's just been hard, ok." I say as I roll my eyes.
"Don't sass me."
"I'm not! You won't understand. It's been hard on me ok."
“Emma it's been hard on me too."
"Yeah right," I mumbled.
"Emma that's it! “My dad got up and grabbed me by the arm and dragged me to my room and slapped me.
"Don't back sass me again got it?"
After that it didn’t get any better. He drank a lot and started to abuse me. It got to the point where I got bruises and I finally couldn't take it. I told the nurse and principal. I got put in foster care at the age eleven and got out of eighteen.
As I wake up Sabrina and John are right there by my side I'm breathing heavy
"What happened?" I said. My head is throbbing and are eyes trying to stay open.
"You fainted, “John said.
And then everything was coming back to me. It was all too much.
John sighed before saying, "Emma, Luke Hales is here. We brought him in for questioning."
At that moment I wanted to scream and chase down Luke and kill him with my bare hands, but all that came out my mouth was, "Ok, I want to question him."
"Emma are you sure? If you say he is the guy who murdered your mother that could make it personal and hard for you.”
“Yes I need to do this, and I can handle it.  What room is he in?”
“I know you did this don’t be playing games with me. Plus with all the proof we can take “I’ll take you, come on,” said John.
As I’m standing right in front of the door my emotions were getting all mixed up everything is this guys fault just so he could have money, and after he murdered my mother I went through so much. I went through losing my mom, getting abused and got put in foster care. He didn’t have to deal with anything. He went on with life like nothing. Anger was boiling in me. I open the door and there he was.
“Why don't you make easy on you and just admit that you did this cause we have plenty of proof that points to you.”
“So if you have plenty of proof sweetheart then why don’t you just arrest me?”
That was the last straw.  I kicked the table out of the way and pinned him against the wall and said
you in now.”
“Then why don’t you. “He said
“Because if you admit that you did this it would make my life and yours so much easier so just admit it ok sweetheart.”I wanted to strangle him so badly.
“What makes you so sure that I did this?”
“There was bullet and it registered to you, and your fingerprints. Also the little girl said she saw a tattoo on the guy's left arm and it said Darkest Minds.” I lied at the end to see if he would break, but I was freaking out because I never told anybody that I saw his tattoo. I got lucky, his face was showing some fear and he was tensing up.
I said, “Roll your sleeve up,” and there it was.
“Ok, I did it ok.”
I let go of him and dropped to my knees and sighed and felt like weight was lifted off my shoulders but then I got up and said
“You killed another person in 2001, a women, and left her child there traumatized."
He look at me like he couldn't believe what he was hearing and that made me even more mad and I pinned him to the wall again and yell
"Admit that you killed my mom and left me there crying my eyes out! You were the man who murdered my mom and made my life a living hell!”
And then I heard him say," Yes I murdered the lady now and the one in 2001 ok?"
I let go of him and walked out. As I shut the door and they took him away, I fell to my knees and started bawling. I was trembling, I finally have found justice to mother's murder and could move on. My life would never be normal after all I went through, but now I could go on with my life.
"You did good today," said Sabrine
"Since we're done for today I can take you home, “said John
"Thanks but I'm going to go for a walk, see you guys tomorrow." One day over, and can't wait to see what awaits me tomorrow.

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This article has 1 comment.

Jovanna BRONZE said...
on Oct. 22 2015 at 2:47 pm
Jovanna BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 1 comment
This is Jovanna and I'd like to say sorry because when I submitted this some parts got mixed up but over all it's fine. Thank you to the people who read my story and like it. Also to Teen Ink for publishing my article.